I'm pretty sure it's brass and white metal Des. I might buy one, but I will have to declare bankruptcy with the amount of things I'm buying up, Ballast wagons, 121s, the list goes on and on..
That looks amazing:) what sort of locos have you got there. I see woolies, but I saw an 0-6-0 and maybe even a 4-4-0. I will follow this layout with interest..
Started this a week ago, from a Hornby King Arthur...no.402. Might put her in the CIE green. The chassis were very poor, so I will give her a more modern one.
John, when Meadbh was repainted on inchicore in the early 60s, she was not given a snail, I wonder why. Also, on some of the other green locos, the snails seem to have disappeared, probably under a layer of filth!
Plaster it with rivets! Put on a smokebox door handle: Des might supply you with one.
Livery wise: GSR/CIE overall grey or CIE green(to a few). In the late 50s near the end of steam some were given grey BUT with a black smokebox. I think one was given black, with cherry red lining, although that livery looked very British to me. One or two were given a plain black
Livery. Hope this helps!
Poetic license? That's how Kedleston is a large city somewhere in Wicklow or Waterford, which connects up to the mainline. Kenmare could last until 1966:)
The upside down pics here seem to be "attached images" which only happens for me if I try to upload pics, then it doesn't work, so I stop uploading it. Even if I get the photos up, or don't upload them at all this happens. As John has said these are often upside down or even sideways. Seems to often happen with iPads or iPhones
Like the look of Westport Quay, John. What era are you planning on? Knowing your style I would say late 50s early 60s Maybe add a headshunt for better shunting?