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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. Tasty stuff there Noel, busy as usual at Tara Junction.
  2. She's a little gem John. Must get back to building myself...
  3. Anyone else had an outage last night? More maintenance needed?
  4. Of course we have Irish Pictorial Weekly now While we don't have the Minister for Hardship, it's still pretty funny "Some towns could do with a bit of a bombin'. Mullingar"
  5. They should put Peacemaker under Founding Father Although then people might suspect that IRM has to turned into a Mafia of Railway Enthusiasts....
  6. I think I have it somewhere JB,I will search my archives..
  7. Arghh! The inaccuracy! It burns!
  8. There must have been a paradox or something, or he briefly entered an alternate universe where someone had answered his question
  9. Or the smoke generator when the Crossley engine sound is engaged. If it doesn't cause you to hallucinate it isn't authentic
  10. I'd say everyone is still recovering from the horror show that is The month after Christmas January:the longest month
  11. Well lads, before you buy anything, you should know Ali express has a rep for selling rip off crappy stuff,like Nike and Canterburys. I know they aren't loco companies..but still
  12. That looks like the work of one of the lads here
  13. Nelson, a man of your talent, would put me to shame,should you build one. The painting was actually fairly simple, just slap on battleship grey, and wash the deck with a sort of teak color. I haven't gotten around to painting the boats or the AA guns yet, but I will get there. Eventually. And it is intentionally that grainy. I'm not THAT bad at taking photos. Jesus, put your pitchforks away:dig:
  14. Hms Hood,ready for Inspection Next project, Hms King George V in 1/350
  15. Is it 00 David?
  16. Looking good David! And that engine shed area..
  17. Thanks Bren. Hood has just come from painting
  18. Hello to everyone, I hope ye had a good Christmas and a happy new year. Hood is currently going through her rebuild. A Warpite had to be sacrificed, which is unfortunate, as she is such a lovely ship, anyway here is Hoods current status I believe the venerable IPads camera is on its last legs..
  19. Incredible work Kieran In particular this pic caught my imagination, the angle, the dark clouds...moody
  20. Didn't Dingle have a train shed?
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