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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. GSR 800

    class 121

    Mmmmm......just beautiful
  2. Only time will tell...
  3. Why would there be? I never saw the steam era and I am modelling it.
  4. Don't think many people will ever model that!
  5. Look how far we have come lads, as Noel said 30 years ago the best we had was a bunch of Hornby stuff repainted in black n tan, now look. The diesel era is almost completely covered loco wise. Coaching stock from the bnt era is also almost complete. The steam era is far from complete, but with Des from SSM many of the main steamers can be modelled also along with coaching stock and freight. 3D printing is in its early years. With the launch of Irish railway models the future looks very promising. What will the scene be like in the next 30 years?
  6. holy Sambo, your rate of work is amazing!
  7. When I first found out about Irish railways (and the 800s) when I was about 6 I took out my tomy Henry train and painted it in a dark green! The rest is history...
  8. Fantastic vids there TDR, great to see how the layout looks in action
  9. Could NIR have taken a leaf from CIE's book and rebuild the Hunslets with GM engines?
  10. That mogul with the beet rake looks like a photo of a 400 at mallow hauling a long rake of beet emptys tender first. Another excellent scene
  11. A 141 in grey slate livery?
  12. From whom John?
  13. Sound man!
  14. The shade on No.800 meadbh
  15. So..no? Thanks anyway.Hmm does anyone know the type of green or even what mixture for the dark CIE green?
  16. Richie, by any chance would you know what's the type of green CIE green for the steam locomotives were?
  17. Is that an 800 tender I see John?
  18. Your not missin much John. Even James isn't pleased about cgi ..
  19. It basically did. Train spotting had decreased dramatically after steam was banished from the railways, scalextrix were far more popular,and many model railway companies closed down.when Thomas came round,it breathed new life into the hobby and many companies,such as Hornby began making " starter sets". Thomas is how I began to love trains and model trains and would later fall in love in Irish railways, but that's another tale....
  20. Just ideas, Pat. Maybe in a few years..
  21. to start off a company could simply do 184 and 186
  22. Possibly Kev. I believe one of the reasons the steam era is not modelled half as much as the diesel era is the lack of rtr models from that era. I have noted, over the past couple of months a bit of an increase in interest in the steam era. Kieran has a good few NCC locos running round. Anto has a nice amount of steamers running round as well. The modified NCC tank no. 4. I myself run steamers and I am in the middle of converting a mogul and a King Arthur . Nelson and his excellent models of NCC. The steam era is a very interresting one..a humble J15 might kick things off......
  23. 'Twas a joke broithe:facepalm:
  24. Look here you! Your on thin ice now! Next you will be tellin us the H van is some all Renault van which can't get past 3rd and with no brake! (grumbles incoherently)
  25. Did you say turfburner?
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