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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. Pure brilliant JH! I'll have to number my house 800 so!
  2. Thought this was free to a good home Pat?
  3. Wow,that's very interesting. Maybe that's why the GNR considered a 4-6-0 around the same time. Were they inchicorised? Belpaire firebox,snap head rivets or were the neglected? Also how many were built? Sorry bout all the questions but I'm very interested in this. And I had thought the 400s we're the first Irish 4-6-0s
  4. I was looking on the RPSI website and it says the address has PO box 461! Coincidence or what? I have fond memories of no. 4 as it was the first steam loco I had ever seen. I remember when she had reached Enfield i asked one of the members where the loco was going(she was going to run round the train. When I saw her coming back tail first,I asked him why she was "the wrong way around"! of course of was only a young in then, not to long ago! Anyway he told me there was nowhere for her to be turned. I went home thinking this fella didn't know much, that there was one at Mullingar, I didn't think, at the time that Mullingar was about 30 miles away!
  5. Ahh only joking John, But you! Painting coaches Innacuratly? Heresy! Ah no it's all good. The RPSI have been keeping steam in Ireland for half a century, some livery innacuracies can be accepted. As for Cultra...grrr:mad:
  6. Hope it's not a serous problem. The RPSI have enough on their hands at the mo.. 171 and 131,and Johns multiple letters telling them that the shade of green on 461 isn't right. How many letters is that now JH?
  7. hmm...interesting.. What I find more interesting however is the inside cylindered 4-6-0 if never heard of! What's goin on?
  8. A mystery! To the Turf burner!
  9. He has been quiet lately...
  10. Think they worked summer excursions on the timoleague and courtmacsherry,but I could be mistaken. They worked the beet trains there anyway.
  11. Great work so far!
  12. Lovely, tidy little model.
  13. Maybe a layout idea thread is in order?
  14. well its settled then.build some new steamers for the autumn!
  15. I love those little engines,from their waddle,to their noise, the " hiss ah"" hiss ah". One of the greats,the humble j26.
  16. Seven plank wagons....convertibles.....GNR brake vans...must save up .....Tailte is my least favourite 800....SSM range has increased within the last ten years...life is pointless without Guinness.....Des has brainwashing powers...
  17. There's a fairly good chance of finding parts of auld steamers lying around there!
  18. I count the tippex livery as in the black n tan area. Some of the 141s at inchicore have been partially dismantled,rotting away in some sidings,deep inside inchicore
  19. When I went back to the old version I decided to stay with the new one. I've gotten used to it now, and the old one just looks to..old!
  20. Wonder if any of those Mk3s up in Scotland are still in their old livery
  21. Sure yer both right!..I think:confused:
  22. Aren't there still two 141s stored at inchicore in blackntan?
  23. Would this have been a black or green livery? Sehr interesant, Herr Beumont( very interesting ya boyo Beaumont)
  24. That's what John means, there is no need for lining, as they were all painted in the GSRs battleship grey
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