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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. I'll be at Hawkins street, protesting for the right shade of Eau de nil!
  2. Riots in the Streets!
  3. And once the diesel era has all locos and( a fare amount) of rolling stock,what's next?
  4. The line is white John, though it should be Eau De Nil I believe
  5. The offer both kevin
  6. I think what really sets Irish railway models apart is that because the company is intertwined with the forum so ye know what the majority of the Irish market want. i wish this company the very best. With such a promising start and fantastic support from everyone here. I'd say the orders are filled by the sounds of it! After the ballast wagon and the cement bubble,what else is planned?
  7. Well lads,I bought some things while at the SDMRC yesterday. Most of the budget went to locos.for a long time I've been wanting to get one of MR Murphys work. I finally got it today with number 073. Fantastic loco. Great runner detail is just brilliant. I also bought a silver fox A class in green. Holy Sambo it is heavy! Reasonably good runner, but very noisy compared with the 071 class! Also bought an N class mogul, which I plan to convert to a woolwich. Will post pics shortly
  8. I saw them at Dundalk last time I was there. Looked in rather bad shape
  9. Maybe. Did you have it on for long?
  10. Looks excellent Rich! The weathering really makes it realistic
  11. Very sad to hear. She was a fantastic actress.
  12. I'm on my way!
  13. Some interesting stuff there JH,Westport has many ghosts. When my grandfather was young,he went down to an elderly lady's house,near the railway. He couldn't find her and walked around to see if he could find her. It was the middle of winter . He went to the shed, which had its door open.when he turned around he saw a white ghost. the wind howled, and the " ghost" moved towards him. To his horror the arms broke off. He ran straight home.turned out the old woman had some clothes out on the line.over night the clothes froze. When my grandfather came it was pitch dark and he was supersticous ( as many people were). When he turned he saw the jumper which was frozen and stiff it looked like a ghost . As the wind howled the ice broke off the arms.
  14. Indeed,this is not prototipical. They probably looked at a picture in the 50s( when they were filthy ) and thought the boiler and dome were black. Cultra has done this before an example is Meadbh in CIE green with the GSR lettering on her tender
  15. jeez BTB not sure the mods will like it......cant understand why she would do such a thing though
  16. This doesn't happen on my laptop or computer, only on the smaller devices like my iPad or phone
  17. Thanks JH. Hard to tell if 401 was green or grey as she looks black, probably due to the fact that it had not been cleaned for 6 years! The first time I looked at the book, with little knowledge of anything Irish, I believed that the woolwiches had been painted a light blue! It seems the must have got sun bleached( in Ireland ?) as the green had gone this colour over the years. I knew there was something strange about 461s livery. Looks a bit too light
  18. Indeed JH 400 is pure filthy. Would she have been grey or green at this stage? Also does anyone know if humbrol do a CIE green paint or what sort of mixture you would need to match CIE green. Thanks in advance
  19. Bos I can't seem to click into resources. It just seems to refresh the forum page
  20. The photo is of macha, in July 1947. It's in Irish railways in colour a second glance.
  21. Bit of a misunderstanding there JH.were the 800s repainted (within a year) of CIEs takeover in CIE green or were they left in the GSR livery for a while With the snail?
  22. Great look Bos! An excellent upgrade of the site.
  23. JH,the picture I'm looking at is far from perfect! Was the snail ever put on the GSR livery before they were repainted. The lining on the tender does look gold
  24. It seems after the 800s were repainted in the darker CIE green the were originally given Gold lining before given black and white lining.
  25. Cork Kent station had one, don't know if it's still around.carraige sheds were not very common in Ireland and only termini would really have them.
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