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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Yes indeed about Waterside turntable and must check my research notes about Waterside station for more detail later today.
  2. Just picked up a copy today. Nice article
  3. Thanks JHB for the update
  4. The Hotel prices in Dublin that weekend are more expensive than going on holiday for a week. Also line closed that weekend from Drogheda to Dublin!
  5. Will have a look through my collection of C and L photos over the weekend.
  6. The goods sidings at Castlefinn were to the left of the train in yet another CDR new photo. Thanks Ernie yet again.
  7. Hope that all your hard work can be retrieved JHB!
  8. Been working on a book myself most of the day 2! Always use memory sticks as an insurance policy.
  9. Some scenes were filmed at Whitehead where the station nameboatds were both changed to Londonderry for the morning of filming. This caused some discussion amongst locals!
  10. Collected a copy of the new Baker book at the Severn Valley on Thursday. To say the least the selection of some poor photos and mistakes by the author makes it difficult to give a positive comment about the 60 years book.
  11. Love the Letterkenny photo naturally!
  12. Found this today. See what you think?
  13. Goods shed and yard still there at Falcarragh as well.
  14. Anything to do with the Swilly gets my attention.
  15. Keep them coming Ernie especially new CDR photos!
  16. The Railway Signalling Society book on Ireland is highly recommended
  17. It is a very good book with many rare photos
  18. Looking at it again against other photos when I got home would agree with Andy.
  19. Would suggest that is CDR Coach 28 as they were only numbered up to Coach 59?
  20. Do not forget the CDR 2-6-4T locos!
  21. Best wishes re Hospital Visit today.
  22. Was in Donegal Town the day Pettigo arrived. Was great to meet Edna and Siobhan as well. Thanks again
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