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Everything posted by waffles

  1. ours use Timken bearings the one in the photos are SKF bearings hence different bearing covers
  2. Fantastic model very glad that I got one and it was delivered by bus !
  3. He will give ya a ring
  4. Hi there PM sent thanks.
  5. Yes it has the grab handles on the front, but you don't notice them at all when the loco is on the move, unless you make a big effort to check them out
  6. fantastic adds atmosphere to the whole project. well done
  7. The tender contained boxes of promotional material and should have a black cloth cover to hide it contents , the empty boxes will be removed.
  8. opps wrong forum er
  9. its similar but not the same one its to long
  10. Will check my notes but believe so.
  11. great idea !
  12. Its 23701 with a 80 ton capacity well/machine wagon.
  13. Looks great you have been very busy.
  14. I saw it arriving in the yard of Hueston station last night it looked great it will be viewable from Thursday afternoon in the station.
  15. Basic Thomas set by Hornby €89.00 basic Bachmann irish set €135.00, 3mk11s 071 , track and controller Approx. €320.00. don't see how it could work. in 1975 ho irish Lima set retailed at £12.00 A Sindy doll also retailed £12.00 A matchbox 75 range car was 45p Parents find it hard to justify the cost of the Thomas set.
  16. you would have open a retail shop and then open an account with Mr Murphy ,order at least 500 models and pay for the artwork , printing re-tooling and then pay the total cost due up front before manufacturing would take place not easy to do me thinks.
  17. It would cost a fortune to produce a kid just wandering just would not have the cash required to buy one.
  18. 1+3 i.e one gen + three open is usual. marks models has deferred the release of opens for time being.
  19. kits are a false economy tooling, manufacturing labour and transport costs are almost the same as ready to run models, then you have to pay for glue, paint, transfers, bearings, sometimes wheelsets tools such as micro drills, air brushes blades and handles. Then you could make a total mess of it and have to start again that equals expensive and or disappointment. So let someone do the hard work for you. . The 1st question is how much are you prepared to pay for a ready to run model of say a Tara or cement bubble ? The 2nd questions how many are you willing to buy ?
  20. Hi all just to let you all know that the IRRS and the RPSI in conjunction with the May Rail Tour, will be having a joint open evening at the IRRS Headquarters The old Goods Office Hueston Station Dublin on Thursday 9th of May From 18.30. All are welcome. Come and view our archive and library, light refreshments will be served, So don't be a stranger come and say hello. This event is not listed on our website
  21. The IRRS are proud to announce this talk. "From this Nettle, Danger, We Pluck this Flower" a Safety Talk by Peter Cuffe - Safety Officer, Irish Rail (IÉ) As usual the talk will start at 7.30pm sharp, Tea coffee and biscuits will be served during the interval at a modest charge of €1. All are welcome to attend please sign in on your arrival. We recommend that you arrive early for this one, large attendance is expected.
  22. Hi most enjoyable one of the most original and complete threads on the forum ever, well done .
  23. will there be cake in Wexford if so i will go !
  24. waffles

    071 photo

    the two 071 s should be nick named mastercard and visa anyone tried using the bodyside number to order a pizza
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