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Andy Cundick

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Everything posted by Andy Cundick

  1. Easy enough to make your own axles.Minidrill, grinding block and a bit of 2mm rod cut to length takes under a minute.Andy
  2. Two up and running, with Valencia what else ?,third one to build as a superheated one to complete the set.Andy.
  3. I might bring the station building along to Warley Andy
  4. Err sort of done about half of it (the Donegal half)but wasn't happy with the trackwork (Peco) it ran alright but the points are a bit sharp for the Donegal stock so currently dismantled waiting its place in the layout queue,roll on early retirement next year Andy.
  5. Glad you you enjoyed Castlederg,it would be nice to bring another across as always enjoy it,after all theres another 3 here at the moment,with work starting on Lough Eske in the new year that won't take long as theres already more than enough stock for it(Donegal layout No5) Andy
  6. Thanks,it wasn't unexpected in fact a bit of a relief as if one of my dogs was in the state Mum was in the last week,i'd have been straight round the vets.Andy.
  7. Corutmacsherry won't be quite finished as my Mum died last month which has obviously put a spanner in the works.Still its mainly the row of buildings along the road which seems to go on forever,anyway come and have chat.Andy.
  8. Just got back from the Show (only 440 miles plus sea crossing each way)Throughly enjoyed the Castlederg behaved itself despite said trip in back of the Landie especially the drive down from Larne when the rain was so bad i expected the ferry to pass us.Never been to the Museum before but agree that its all jammed in there a bit,still at least its there.No to get on with Courtmacsherry for Warley.Andy
  9. Curious way of doing things ,still it will save me a few pennies with Warley on the horizon Andy.
  10. Any idea what trade will be there,need to know whether to bring shopping list as well as layout,Andy,
  11. Looks like Humbrol 27 to me,all my GSR locos use it with degrees of weathering.Andy.
  12. Defiantly echo Davids comments on the Uckfield Show,i've had Valencia and Castlederg there and throughly enjoyed it.There again this year with Llanfair Caereinion.Andy.
  13. Worsley do the 6wheelers ,off the top of my head i believe that the panelling is slightly different to the LNW ones,Andy.
  14. Exactly like that,Andy.
  15. Its worth bearing in mind that the Greenore engines were in reality saddle tank versions of the LNWR "DX"goods with 5'2" wheels rather than the Special tank 4'6" wheels.London Road do a Special tank kit which far better than the old GEM kit and can also supply the proper size splashers from their DX kit,an almost finished one has been spotted at Courtmacsherry recently.Andy.
  16. Just remember no one likes a smartarse,Andy
  17. One small point some of us model 21mm gauge using EM standards,in fact 100% of 21mm gauge layouts on the exhibition circuit are so constructed.Its very simple to make pinpoint axles using just 2mm rod a mini drill and an emery grit block.Stick rod in drill grind point on one end he actual angle isn't greatly important then cut to length and do other end,simples!.About half the stock on Coyrtmacsherry are running on them quite happily.Andy.
  18. A good supplier of drills in all shapes and sizes are Chronos.Its a good idea to have a set of broaches for easing out holes much less stressfull and more control in getting to a finished size.Andy.
  19. No nothing out there but to be honest once you get into the swing of it,building track isn't to bad,Courtmacsherrys was done over a weekend.ANdy
  20. I should be bringing Castlederg(Land Rover willing)Andy.
  21. The original Lough Swilly livery was to quote The Railway Magazine article on the line for November 1899,"The carriages are painted almost exactly like the LSWR" so Salmon Pink it is.Just as well as at the moment by coincidence is Swilly No 23 and L&B No1 both being painted in that livery(Dam fiddley).An article in the Irish Railway Record on the line by S Carse and D Murray (No21 Autumn 1957.)Also states that the Swilly coaches were originally in LSW livery whereas the Burtonport stock was supplied in Crimson lake with white or cream panels(I suspect they would have been white but the varnishes of the day turned them cream).I seem to remember reading somewhere that the their were painted vermillion,looking at the works photos that would certainly be the case.Hope this is of some use,Andy.
  22. For headlamps try Road Transport Images,they do 3 different sizes in 4mm.Used them on my F when i built it.Andy.
  23. Argadeen up and running,just missed being flmed,90 and 100 under construction,90 did appear but only as chassis and footplate,Andy.
  24. If anyones interested ,on Youtube under Romsey Model Railway Exhibition 2018,theres a bit of Courtmacsherry up and running for the first time albeit very much work in progress,Andy
  25. Sort of familiar with having built it signalling wise it comprises of a starter ,home and indicator for the catch point,nicely illustrated on a set of photos avaliable from the Bluebell Railway.If you go onto their website,,then go to the museum section you will see a bit for Photograph collections ,the one you want is the John Smith collection,there is a large Irish section done by dates,try November 1959 Photo ref 7-98-7vis especially good in that respect.The great thing about these lists is the prints are displayed so you can see what you are getting.Hope that helps Andy.
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