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Andy Cundick

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Everything posted by Andy Cundick

  1. Bit late but Courtmacsherry has its first outing at the Romsey show this weekend.Andy.
  2. I've always used steel gimp pins,just file the paint off and use a sensible size iron (30-40 amp),Andy.
  3. For a smallish shunting layout Castlederg has a lot going for it,plenty of operational interest,all the coaches brakes and most of the wagonry available as kits as well as the railcar (a nice beginners kit with a ready to run chassis available)No6 available as a complete kit nb not the Branchlines kit which advertises itself as such but the GEM one for IOM11-13.Its one of the few Irish lines which the PECO 12mm points look right with(bit too tight a radius for most).Whats more 4 and 5 are pretty easy to scratchbuild.Incidently it looks like i'm bringing Castlederg over for the Cultra model railway show on the 10th of november(Land Rover willing) Andy.
  4. Been there done it built it.Chivers Finelines did a kit the LSWR Beyer ages ago,the basic difference is the cab and bunker which i modified.I found it quite simple to build up to 21mm gauge.The main problem now is that its inappropriate for either ,so perhaps Balliascarthy?.Andy.
  5. Certainly don't have the skills of a watchmaker having done my time as a boilermaker,Valencia and Courtmacsherry are both built to EM standards as are my EM and Broad gauge(7'0"),as for building stock and track have a go, sure you might struggle a bit to start with but you learn from your mistakes as well .It really isn't that difficult.Leslie Romsey is on the 23/24th of June so you may have to wait until Warley,though the other 4 layouts are out before then,Andy.
  6. Courtmacsherry is at Warley this year,it was meant to go out to the Romsey show a fortnight ago but the Show was cancelled due to the snow,so its debut will be at the rescheduled Romsey show in June .Bit depressing that it seems i've got about 20% of the proper broad gauge layouts though.Andy.
  7. My problem with photos is not being able to post them on the net.However the Valencia building was built using the drawings of Mountain Stage and Cahirciveen in part 2 of the Valencia books,Courtmacsherry i used the views on Google maps and scaled up from that and photos of the station,Andy.
  8. Valencia and Courtmacsherry both use Wills sheets good and robust.Valencias survived 6 years on the exhibition circuit with no problems.As for accurate cutting of windows,doors etc,do all your marking and cutting out on the back ,much easier.Best thing for cutting is an Olfa cutter as it removes material rather than cuts it,check Eileens or Squires.Andy.
  9. Top of page 11,i usually order by post,very quick turnaround,Andy.
  10. Alan Gibson does a variety of hoses for 4mm in lcast brass,much more durable.Andy.
  11. To be honest i wouldn't worry about the correct shade as the moment they left the Paint shop the shade would start changing a combination of weather and light will start changing the colour.It was brought home to me looking at a rake of GW vans at Didcot,all in the same livery but varying between ex works dark grey and light grey.Andy.
  12. A point to bear in mind with modern ready to run is that you are effectively buying a time bomb the good old days when your Triang loco died and you just put another X04 in are long gone modern ready to run along with short production runs and changes does'nt seem to have the parts backup at least with kit/scratchbuilt you put it together you can fix it.Andy.
  13. Couple of points for the Blessington cars as well as Donegal 2 & 3 only the bonnet is usable.For whitemetal kits i find the the gel/thick type cynos do a good job and as for glazing on vehicles Microscale Crystal Clear works really well.Andy
  14. Does a scale model of Llanfair Caereinion in 009 count?,off to the Southampton Show with next weekend Andy.
  15. I always use 188 fluxed solder and don't bother with flux,just make sure the brass is clean(glass fibre brush)and use a decent size iron about 30w,The only time the flux comes out is when i'm soldering the steel droppers on DG couplings and then its good old Bakers fluid ,still used some that was liberated from Swindon works at closure!,Andy.
  16. Slight problem with photos as i don't have clue how to stick them on web sites(don't do computers),however you'll see it at Warley this year,hopefully we'll be together there,Andy.
  17. Slight correction there,David 50%,Courtmacsherry up and running,concentrating on the scenery,ready for its first (work in progress show)arch,Andy. in M
  18. Theres always the 2f to consider,vaguely Aish with the lights turned off,Andy.
  19. Very good selection of photos in there,one bit that amussed me was when he went back to Arigna after closure he couldn't find it and assumed it had been demolished,can't quite see how he missed it as if it was any nearer to the road you'd hit it! Andy.
  20. Go onto RM Web then onto Small Suppliers in the trade section then Judith Edge theres some photos of the model,Andy.
  21. Just noticec on RM Web that the next Judith Edge kit is for the LMS NCC Harland && Wolff 060 and very good it looks too,Can't justify one but will get one anyway to keep the Jinty and W company.Andy.
  22. Brassmasters do a couple of very good kits for 6 wheel coach chassis.Andy.
  23. Been there tried it no it didn't,Andy
  24. Sleeper spacing is totally irrelevant to most of Courtmacsherry as you can't see them(currently burying them at the moment)Andy.
  25. For trackwork i use Copperclad sleepers and Code 75 Bullhead which i get from the EM Gauge Society,its all built to EM standards.The useful thing about soldered track construction is that its easy to tweek after being laid,just the touch of a soldering iron.Andy
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