Tony,As requested the point control i use as standard is pretty simple and fairly foolproof (with me it has to be.Basically underneath the point i have a slot under the tiebar with a bit of timber 1"x 1/2" approx mounted on the side of this is a bit of Copperclad sleeper strip about 1 1/4" long this is secured by 4 Peco track spikes so it can slide side to side in line with the tie bar.A bit of 1mm N/S rod is fed down through the hole in the tie bar and soldered to the copperclad.The control end is just a 30p slide switch with a hole drilled through the Nylon slider this needs to be rattling good fit for an 8BA bolt,the idea being that the bolt is nutted both sides of the switch to allow for adjustment.To connect the point to the switch i use Silicon/Nickel silver wire in tube from Wizard/MSE Models.This soldered to the bolt (the slot in the head helps here)and the copperclad strip.The silicon tube is then secured with hot glue.Any adjusting can then be done using the bolt on the switch.All you then need is to wire up the point ,the middletag on the switch goes to the frog and the other two are for feed from the toe of the point.Hope this makes sense,Andy