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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Hi, just found this on EBay & thought someone on here may be looking for one, BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/BACHMANN-32-162-N-CLASS-31401-BR-BLACK-STEAM-LOCOMOTIVE-OO-GAUGE-1-76-B22/292522519035?hash=item441bb369fb:g:ipQAAOSwkbpa0Ltm
  2. burnthebox

    Fry Model Railway

    Well done Dave, onwards & upwards... Paul
  3. Hi warb , you did get planning permission of course.... Spectacular piece of modelling,
  4. Congrats Jason on your progress, that's looking like a very impressive location, ( man shed ) & your right in getting the all important issues of insulation done, before you start on the railway, no matter how eager you may be, I know just how eager one can get...! to my own disappointment .. So keep on with your plans & let us know how you're doing, best of luck... Paul
  5. Very well done Gerry, you've got that looking just great, & that's a nice with the option to change the to a programming one with the flick of a switch. Mind telling me what's the width of the baseboard on the run up to the diesel depot, TIA Paul
  6. Don't know if this is of any interest to anyone on here, but it's on eBay at the moment, BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/LIMA-CIE-L205018-DIESEL-LOCOMOTIVE-CLASS-217-RIVER-FLESK-OO-GAUGE-IRISH-RAILWAYS/173527545289?hash=item28670c35c9:g:oscAAOSw53dbZf7z
  7. Don't know anything about this lot, but they may be of interest to someone on here, https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/torrilaser/Model-Railways/_i.html?_storecat=24079032018
  8. Without exception this has got to be the most magnificently detailed piece of model railway building ever seen in this country, dare I say anywhere! I for one have never witnessed craftsmanship like it anywhere, & I know the areas in & around Barrow Street where my late father was born & reared as the detail is off the scale. I have said cometh the moment, cometh the man, this has got to be an utterly magnificent build. ! Congratulations to you sir, you have set a boundary that I do not expect to see beaten let alone equalled in my lifetime. BTB
  9. Just heard the news JIM KIERNAN who was the last Steam train driver for CIE has passed away, RIP
  10. Anyone on here interested in Lionsl trains.. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Lot-3-POST-WAR-LIONEL-Train-Cars-Diesel-Switcher-Gondola-1940s-50s-/372256826213?hash=item56ac3c6365
  11. Hi all, this guy as more Murphy's for sale, & their cheaper...!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Murphy-Models-MM0071-Class-071-IE-Black-Silver-DCC-Sound-fitted/162957381068?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649
      • 1
      • Funny
  12. Here's hoping this get's to completion.!! https://www.rte.ie/news/dublin/2018/0322/949357-nta-unveils-3bn-underground-metro-plan/?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=News_Daily_Headlines_Email
  13. Enough said....
  14. Well sir, you're making me out to be a politician.. I take that as a compliment..! with regards to this trolling, tweets, Twitter, or any of that other Immature stuff, I leave that to the teenagers of this world...so no I don't do trolling.
  15. Hi Eoin, & many thanks, I should gave said what I've put in to my original opening comment about this site, I was just wondering if anyone had any info about it, & no I wouldn't be using that airbrush or any other one as I know my limits...!!! BTB
  16. Hi anyone on here, ESP. In Cork area know anything about this, or this web site, there based in Middleton, BTB http://www.hobbymad.ie/super-detail-airbrush-set-2360-p.asp
  17. Well now, I said as I beleved of the way things go in this country, I said the morans " planners, " who are responsible for the issues relating to the LUAS & many other modes if transport go unchallenged as it's the way things are. Yes we need a proper working intergrated public transport system, with LUAS or its equalivent & no more cockups like what we've had over the past decade or so. I had not mentioned the fact that thanks to the " engineeres " we have 90 seater double deck buses puffing their way around the Capitol & the outer country narrow roads of the areas of it endeavouring to fulfill a public service yet they on so many occasions have no more than 7 / 8 passengers. I started this tread by highlighting yet another LUAS broke down been towed by another & escorted by a police car, not exactely indicative of a working transport system ! Well I guess I could give you some years, that said, I have no idea whatsoever as to what you mean by, trolling !! I say what I feel & believe in. BTB
  18. Tremendous performance by our lads in Twickingham today, absolutely tremendous achievement by one & all,
  19. Oh yes, a Grand Slam to Boot, congratulations to our Irish Rugby Team, magnificent performance, makes you feel good to be Irosh especially today,.
  20. To all Rugby fans, & everybody Irish today, Happy St PADDYS Day + Grand Slam To Boot BTB
  21. Oh, you're so clever.......
  22. Thank you, jhb171achill, & with that, I rest my case...
  23. Dave my lad, this has nothing whatsoever to do with Wheelcairs, walking or not walking. Remember the brains that built the M50 & then decided, oh we should have had another lane..!!! so let's build one now, !! The same brains built the LUAS Red line & a Green, line, & then decided oh, we should have connected them..!! let's do that now !!! The bottom line is the LUAS should have been built underground, the Port Tunnell is an example of how things operate / work when the correct planning is put in place, ! & yes I've been in a LUAS, once !!! & no thank you, I won't be on any more. As I said, the brains of this country are to blame, but that kind of thing dos'nt happen here. Forward thinking, forget it !!! BTB
  24. I thought the thrust of this discussion was about the LUAS, or was it more to the point of the desaterious failures because the brains never properly mapped out the system & its desaterious effect on Dublin city & its thousands of car owners. Recent events prove just that ....but maybe it will work out as part of a transport system, but like I said, I'm not holding my breath....!!
  25. Well, I'm not holding my breath on that one,.... .the geniuses reign on...!!!
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