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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. I started this by saying I never liked the LUAS & the more streets I as a Tax paying motorist is no longer allowed to drive on just confirms my utter dislike for them & I have to ask who ever the engineering genius! or dare I say geniuses !!! were that decided to rule out underground just confirms my thoughts of utter G.@.@.@.@.@.@.@s, they have effectely banned me & many others from driving into our Capitol city...rant over, BTB
  2. I never liked the LUAS, but maybe some modellers might like this one.... https://www.independent.ie/videos/irish-news/watch-just-when-you-thought-a-double-length-luas-was-bad-heres-a-luas-being-towed-by-a-double-length-luas-36699911.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=IN:DailyUpdate&hConversionEventId=AQEAAZQF2gAmdjQwMDAwMDE2Mi0xZjYyLWIzNDUtYTg1OS0xYjE2M2U1OWJhYTTaACRlYTYwZGM5MS04OWZjLTRjMjUtMDAwMC0wMjFlZjNhMGJjZGbaACRhYjkxZWMyNy1lMzg1LTQ2NzItYWZlMS02MzliZmVlMWI3OTcCaLqggLdh8RxzdPHPewLuNanc0Rrokabwhue3OsjbrQ
  3. Hi Eoin many thanks & apologies for the delay in responding, I recon that settles it, so I can use Peco Bullhead code 75 on OO GAUGE track...!!! Isn't that right...!!!!!!! TIA BTB
  4. I think it's all because of the Precipitation, Isobars, Minima & Maxima......!!!!
  5. All my rolling stock is OO Gauge, if I was to opt for Peco Bulkhead track, ( which is equal oven to Peco Code 75, !!! or Peco Code 100...!!! I don't have a clue as to which is better ) would that mean having to change my rolling stock ,TIA BTB
  6. Hi guys, so can someone tell me what do's this do for an intended OO gauge layout. !! on which I would very much wish for the better style / appearance of sleeper...!! appearance wise the Bullhead looks, to my Specksavour eyes the more realistic...! TIA BTB
  7. Hi Dave, are these items we exchanged some time ago of any connection to your question, BTB
  8. Well done on your work so far, TinTin, I hope building that hill s easier than climbing it.. .. & for what it's worth, here's a photo I came across while checking out bray railway, don't know if it's any value in what your planning, & I don't know if it's still available,. BTB
  9. George, only seeing what you've been up to now, I most say that's craftsmanship at its utmost, you take modelling to another level, very well done, btb
  10. Looking very nice Noel, mind telling me where these came from, Regards Paul
  11. I have to say this thing of making a model loco look so perfectly like, or as near like a prototype as possible leaves me asking why ! This is supposed to be a hobby !!! Of course there are people on here who wouldn't entertain anything else, & the very best of luck to each & every one of them, & if any of them decide to dismantle a loco & bash it, bend it into what they decide is more to their train ( no pun intended ) of thought & style, then so be it. To me if I can lay my paws on something that to my Specsaver eyes, looks a bit like what I have in mind & with a bit of graft, tweaking or whatever, I'll be happy to run this loco on my layout & as said before, if it passes the 2 foot rule then it'll do for me, I actually have 2 LMS 0-6-0's that I intend to get bashed, bent into shape....but this will not be done by me, I hope it'll be done by someone who has the skills, I know my limits.. .. I'm not looking to have a model bashed or styled into something looking so perfectly similar or identical to a prototype that'll be sitting in a glass case up on a shelf, I enjoy playing trains, each to his own.......just saying. BTB
  12. For those who have RTE One +1 Theres a tribute to the Bundoran Railway & its closure 60yrs ago on the Nationwide programme at 8pm...very interesting. btb
  13. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, well I've done the deed, best of luck....
  14. Happy New Year to all, here's hoping for a better one,.
  15. Wishing all on here a very Happy Christmas & successful new year for 2018,
  16. Noel sir, you have again, set a barrier with your skills, congrats & very well done sir, I'm challenged to say keep up the remarkable work, but I have to do something like that in the future....I did say LIKE THAT..!! heaven help me.... Paul
  17. If that's part of your garden railway, I give up now........ Mega & very well done sir.
  18. Didn't you do well there Davy boy, well done, I suppose the early bird & all...
  19. Mega piece of work Noel, really looking the business, & the photo of the 3 stages are perfect, BTB
  20. Who remembers this way to bring the Turf in.... BTB
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  21. I haven't actually looked at this completely yet, but it do's seem interesting, lots of locos, STEAM LOCOS, wagons, vans,, rail cars,
  22. Might be of interest to some.... BTB ps don't know if this is in the correct lane... Change at will http://euscreen.eu/item.html?id=EUS_524B0F1DFF9D4311A5271797E7849D5E
  23. A Train Thing....... btb http://www.narcoa.org/video.htm
  24. Hi Noel, only seeing this now, for what's it's worth, if it's possible, if the doors open you might be able to put something inside to render some weight which might help in weighing the wagon for movement ,, btb
  25. It should be on the vehicle who's symbol is shown in the lower right of the photo......
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