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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Watch them running next year in China....& there're called Trains, watch this space..!!
  2. Hi don't know if this has been covered but if not it's worth looking at now, China's Rubber Tyred Train, on trial... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-4565992/China-unveils-track-train-runs-virtual-rails.html
  3. Very nice Noel, Oh The Bells, The Bells, magic....! Paul
  4. Hi all, for those who may be looking to do some spraying, BTB http://www.adverts.ie/models/badger-200g-airbrush-kit/13434103?task=addToWatchList
  5. Hi all, anyone on here know how to take the seating out from a Hornby MK 4 coach, I've got the roof & glass out but cannot as yet see how to get the rest off, TIA BTB
  6. Cometh the moment, Cometh the man, & Dhu Varren sir you have surpassed the word masterclass, that's modelling & respraying on another plane, your skill shows no bounds. I have just one very simple question, the paint is it enamel or Acrylic, & I'll confess I have nooooo knowledge whatsoever about Acrylics, TIA BTB
  7. Maybe all this Irish for sale is to do with Brexit..or maybe the £ vs € when Brexit is all's said & done, get in before the rush ! to make a buck or two, or is it to do with Royal Mail postal charges changing, or are they just getting rid of their items, I've seen so much Irish for sale in the last month, 201's, 141's, 181's, 071's, N Class, I'm just wondering, & not forgetting the NIR's just saying BTB
  8. For those on here who may have deep pockets.....only 23 hours left...!! BTB http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-Murphy-Models-NIR-Northern-Ireland-Railway-3-pack-coaches-LOT-1/201992293532?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-Murphy-Models-NIR-Northern-Ireland-Railway-3-pack-coaches-LOT-2/201992295094?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649
  9. That modelling is so realistic I'm nearly convinced I had a pint in Forbes Bar. !! .brilliant work.
  10. Next time you're getting on the train, check the bag..... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/horror-moment-womans-bag-becomes-10818950?ptnr_rid=452816&icid=EM_Mirror_Nletter_DailyNews
  11. I would be inclined to think that even taking photos / videos of those rail lines would be in itself dangerous, nay even suisdal, just go's to show, it seems that only the goods trains run ! creep along it, thanks for posting,
  12. Hi one & all, no need to apologise to me, j####s, it's supposed to be a HOBBY...& I'm driving on the LEFT.... Even if it's it a RIGHT HAND DRIVE...!!! If nothing else this has keep the tread open...!!
  13. Hi one & all, K1 vs N, Small wheels vs Big wheels, Left hand drive vs Right hand drive, Driven from Right for left hand running, Rivetts everywhere bar where needed, No I didn't get it in Woolworths, nor did I pay £3,375.00....!!! I'm only trying to sell a model engine, & I'm soooo glad the real thing Ran on Rails...!!! Left or Right...!! I'm beginning to think I'll need driving lessons to run my model railway..!! It's still for sale btw..!!
  14. Hi all, I have this N Class for sale, it's a great runner, sorry no box, can meet in Dublin central or post at cost, €120. Sorry No offers, TIA BTB
  15. Cometh the moment, comment the man, very well done Eoin, the detail on this is nothing short of amazing,
  16. Totally Awsome irishthump & the slow bit ain't got anything wrong with it, if anything to me it's dam near perfect, but she's very CLEAN..... BTB
  17. Another big supporter of Ballyglunin Railway Station, non other than Gabriel Byrne, BTB https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/entertainment/gabriel-byrne-joins-campaign-to-save-the-famous-quiet-man-trainstation?utm_campaign=Best+of+IrishCentral+-+2017-06-22&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Mailjet
  18. ETSY Maybe an alternative to the Bay for those of a HO Persuasion !! BTB https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/462457437/similar?ex=etsy_finds&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=etsy_finds_061617_154148928508_0_0-0_0&campaign_label=etsy_finds&euid=aAHTamoNhp2EHzm77GMZsRCvhg6A&eaid=34225478981&redirect=1&page=1
  19. The Balllyglunin Station is in need of help.... BTB https://www.irishcentral.com/news/liam-neeson-tries-to-save-the-quiet-man-railway-station?utm_campaign=Best+of+IrishCentral+-+2017-06-13&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Mailjet
  20. Hi Eoin & thanks for the info, now dos that reading between the lines mean the Enamel paint is safer !! or equal to acrylic TIA Paul
  21. Hi Noel & well done on all your endeavours to date, you're certainly set the marker, now mind telling me what you think is best to use when respraying carriages & wagons, in regards to either enamel or acrylic paint, I'm kinda thinking in the enamel is best, as I may be wrong but if you use acrylic dos that mean you have to cover it with a varnish to ensure its protected from wearing off...TIA Paul
  22. Craftsmanship par excellence Eoin, very well done, Paul
  23. roxyguy, you're going to have stop drinking that stuff.....
  24. Hi roxyguy, by mere coincidence earlier today I cleaned a wagon of its hand painted ( very badly ) blue paint,right down to the white base, by dropping it into a container of a nail varnish remover for about 20/30 minutes, blue in colour, can't remember the name, a few very thin bits had to be removed by a bit of scraping, but very happy with outcome, BTB
  25. Eoin, as long as it's the computer you needn't worry, interested to see this work on this model, looking good, Paul
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