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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. The Rising Sun sure rose today, Lets hope we can learn from this & beat Russia, who are not known as a Rugby nation..
  2. The Rising Sun sure rose today, Lets hope we can learn from this & beat Russia, who are not known as a Rugby nation..
  3. Hi guys, don't know if anyone on here might be interested in this ALDI compressor, might be if value.. BTB https://www.aldi.ie/2-5hp-air-compressor/p/020344298050300?utm_source=Aldi&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=LEARNMORE&utm_campaign=SpecialbuyEmail26thSeptember2019&sap-outbound-id=8F706A74066F531AA83720E1DC3C094DDA4EF6EF
  4. For anyone looking back on Irish Railways these may be of interest,. best of luck, BTB http://collectireland.com/2019/09/12/sale-of-casserleys-railway-negative-collection-21st-september-2019/
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  5. For what it's worth I m sure this programme is repeated this evening at 7pm BTB
  6. And now he's starting with the phones...ah Jesus...goodnight.. BTB
  7. Did you mucky that young JasonB, well that's one serious piece of skill, very well done sir, she's looking just mega, BTB
  8. Ya bloody showoff, that's totally awesome, just like the real thing, even better, dam it sir that's magic, well done, BTB
  9. For anyone on here who may be looking for one of these...on EBay now, BTB https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HORNBY-R758-RARE-IRISH-RAIL-C-E-HYMEC-DIESEL-LOCO-AND-3-X-COACHES-OO975/113758870984?hash=item1a7c8e9dc8:g:LKAAAOSwt8xc5oVJ
  10. The drinks are on you my man, just saying like....
  11. You were saying like... BTB
  12. I'm afraid it's back to Specsavers or even school for you my lad, as the first Ivory on your list 25178 is wrong !! Should read 25127, just saying like...
  13. Totally enjoyed that video, was particularly taken with the run in to Bray, very much to my pleasure, thanks for posting, BTB
  14. For those who like to beat the rush....... BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-MM0111-MM0112-MM0113-Class-071-111-NIR-Blue-Locomotives-OO-Gauge/143241477226?hash=item2159db7c6a:g:hq4AAOSwze9c0EQz
  15. To anyone who may be interested in these, BTB https://mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/582/#tl/priority/^smartlabel_promo
  16. Hi guys, some of you may be interested in this, BTB https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/2663/new-announcement?utm_source=Mailing+List&utm_campaign=776ad58b03-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_04_11_01_30_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_74d01bc2ed-776ad58b03-5470713
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  17. Hi guys, & for any of you that might be interested,. this item is on EBay USA. now,. Regards BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/HO-OO-Bachmann-00651-Irish-Railway-Complete-Train-Set-Factory-Sealed-SU-7A/382918596448?hash=item5927ba1760:g:o-kAAOSwQXpct6LJ
  18. Would you have a photo of a shed, house or something that that has this on it by any chance, TIA
  19. At last & congratulations to IRM, Irish Railway Models are on the South Side, YIPPI, BTB
  20. For those who like to use their skills at kits, HATTONS have new kits out, BTB https://www.hattons.co.uk/StockDetail.aspx?utm_campaign=20190409&utm_medium=email&utm_source=OOGaugeNewsletterTest&SID=440775&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJwam1vYmlsZTY2QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIkpHUWVYaCJ9
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  21. For those / anyone on here who might be interested in this, I don't think it's expensive.!! I could be wrong..! https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Hornby-The-Royal-Train-R2370/163633368968?hash=item26194f0f88:g:QR8AAOSwA3Rcpd8a
  22. Hi guys & many thanks, so here's something I read / was told about a long time ago. It was about a coal unloading site / depot in Bray Co. Wicklow, where apperantely boats unloaded coal into wagons which then distributed the coal around the county !!! I have no proof of any of this but I'm hoping someone will be able to confirm this or maybe not. Thanks again, BTB
  23. Hi anyone on here got any photos or know where I could see any of CIE COAL wagons, I've been looking on here& elsewhere without any success, TIA burnthebox
  24. Bloody hell I think I left the hall light on....! Awesome, totally awesome
  25. Modelling on a scale heretofore I have never seen on this or any other model railway site, breathtaking comes to mind, cometh the moment, cometh the man...
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