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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. You ain't alone in that one Noel, for some unknown reason I was expecting a reminder of that also, even today!! Only waking up to that now!! & the new time schedule is better for me, especially on Sunday's !!!!!! BTB
  2. Hi Delboy & welcome to the site, have you got some interesting photos & or videos!! Irish of otherwise !!
  3. bantree, dam it sir, but your modelling skills have demonstrated a skill equal to craftsmanship, John Paul Construction would've been proud of that watertower, !!! very well done, BTB
  4. Well done Noel, looking great & as you've said taking your time is the best method, now tell me is that Railmatch dirt & grime enamel or acrylic, TIA Paul
  5. Bloody Hell Noel but that's a beauty, & the slow speed is just mega, very well done, Paul
  6. Hi Patrick, your layout is looking more authentically Irish every time I see your photos, those last two show just where nothing is happening & yet everything is happening, magic. Paul
  7. Bloody hell Kirely that's some workmanship you've put in there. Having just watched the Glacier Express on tv with the bright snowy sunlight, for a second I had to look twice at the Plough Van.....very well done....
  8. Hi Noel & many thanks for that, it dos'nt look like there's a quick & short way to getting things done, espically where the wheels are concerned, I think I've got the decals thing sorted when it comes to removing them, but I'm going to do a primer on some the few wagons which still have albeit faint decals on them & see how things turn out...it's looking at the moment like I'll have to remove the wheels espically those which have past their sell by date & fit new ones...don't know why I'm rushing things as my layout is still in that hopeful area somewhere down the road....I'm just using my time playing with trains...! Paul
  9. Well Paul, what ever you run don't forget its your layout so whatever you run, its lookng good so far, so whether it's BR LMS, CIE IR or IE, enjoy it, just don't ll the conductor....LOL BTB
  10. Now Noel, riddle me this one, how do you go about priming & painting wagons with the wheels, decals, & all the other stuff that comes with wagons, I've found nail varnish remover which works, with most decals, so reason I ask is I've got a number of wagons to turn from LMS, BR into irishsshish, taking the wheels off takes time... Lots, & it's no way easier putting them back on .....are there any shortcuts ! Paul
  11. Noel, if it looks good at the " duck " distance then that's all that matters, it's your layout & you enjoy it, at the end of the day it's called playing with trains, Paul
  12. Hi Noel, now to my Specksavers eyes that White line dos'nt look right, as it looks too big in places & uneven in other areas, & I've looked at the C class & the white lines on it looks perfect, I'm sure you can sort out the lines on the 121 without having to do too much other than getting the masking tape out & lining things up, as said I could be wrong, Paul
  13. Hi Paul & welcome to the site, lots of help & info on here from all sorts, seen as you have already got going on your 2nd layout, ( lucky devil ) we'd all like photos !! mind me asking what era, time are you if you are going to plan for, & diesel or steam, & what size are you planning for, & at 42yrs your only a nipper... you've got lots if time....enjoy Regards BTB
  14. Kieran, that's a mega variety of goods stock you have there, I do like the Ford Angila, must be going to a classic owner !! Hats off to you for your layout, looks just brilliant, BTB
  15. Hi Sulzer & thanks, just a note for what it's worth, this lot, Bachmann ! Murphy Models ! Lima ! Etc.. Is also advertised on another site, Irish. BTB
  16. Here's a bundle of stuff, http://www.ebay.ie/itm/182560445073?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  17. Eoin my lad, your engineering, nay even craftsmanship skills knows no bounds, your man Stevenson would be tickled pink, congratulations sir.
  18. Noel, it may be me that's got things wrong, but I'm referring to the BODY the one on Page 6 that's now got a new coat on here on Page 9, #90, it's looks like an A or C class !!! Paul
  19. Noel, I wish you all the best on this one, & I don't even know where you got that body of that loco from ! I feel you're going to where no man has gone before, bravery comes to mind.....but that's looking mega, Paul
  20. Hi Thomas & welcome to the site, your shed is very much like my own except of course you have started ! My stuff is in the shed but that's as far as I have got ! so far ! there's lots of guys on here who'll be more than willing to give any info & advice when / if needed, keep the photos / videos coming, well done so far, it's looking good.
  21. Bloody hell Eoin, that's looking so mega I'm surprised I haven't " Heard " the Segulls yet !!! fantastic modelling, very well done.
  22. New campaign to save Ballyglunin Railway Station, Station of The Quite Man. Enjoy!! http://www.irishcentral.com/news/all-aboard-campaign-to-save-the-quiet-man-train-station?utm_campaign=Best+of+IrishCentral+-+2017-04-21&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Mailjet
  23. Noel, many thanks for all the info regarding paint codes, manufacturers etc. & your time & skill ! as you have shown not just me, a complete novice where respraying, weathering is concerned, what can be achieved by us mere mortals, now mind telling me where you suggest to get my paws on these paints & the various other items you have in your arsenal !!! Thanks Paul
  24. Hi Fran, you'll do, I was trying to imput a message to the Shops, Manufacturers etc. tread & could not see any option to do this, maybe I'm Not looking in the right place ! however this is the site I'm referring to, Paul http://www.freiwald.com/pages/overview.htm
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