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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Well jhb, I have a clear recollection of having gone into Monk Place Phibsborogh to the "Model Railway shop " on a Sunday morning in the late 60's only to find the door shut & according to the newsagents accross the road he, the owner had bought his papers fron the neighbours shop & returned to his own shop & closed the door, never to open it again !! Now, there are some on here who will contradict what I'm saying,as has been done before on here, some will say the shop was open in the 70's or even the 80's, anyway I'm sticking to my story, is was a long trek from Foxrock to Phibsborogh, & there was no Dart or Luas in those years !!
  2. Hi joe123 & welcome to the site, you'll get lots of helpful suggestions & ideas on here, your plan for a 10 x 3 doesn't give you a lot space but as Glenderg & Dave's suggested a 1st & 2nd radius may work & by using flexi track you may !! get away with it, at the end of the day trying these ideas / suggestions out is the only way you'll find out. I did have track (1st & 2nd radius )on my dining room table number of years past & ran some loco's, co-co diesels & steam, it was not permanent or perfect & certinately as a layout it was not, but it worked & I got lots of pleasure from it,even if was only for a week ! keep us posted on your progress, PS I did not have any flexi track on this ! btb
  3. Is*that a correction Mr. Garfield ! if I have broken a rule then please do explain, I beleive*I was mearly*expressing my democratically,*legally held opinion, something I thought I was legally entitled to express even on this web site, but then I could be mistaken !*apologies for going off tread, so back to the Hoarders. !!
  4. Hoarders !!
  5. I thought this was a hobby !! http://www.ebay.ie/itm/191737598657?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. Welcome Claretrainman to the site, you took your time, & there's no time like the present, some nice helpful people on here, may even get to meet some, mind me asking what sort of stock do you have, btb
  7. I just LOVE those Tara's, & when "hidden agenda " comes in from the cold, I'll be on his case to get me sone of those beautiful wagons, I have tried to on tact him to date without success !! I just don't understand what the hell is going on !! Like so many on here !!
  8. I didn't know the site was going " a few years " but anyway what could anyone do to be banned from a model railway site ?? I believe he, hidden agenda produced the Tara Wagons for sale !!
  9. Well it's just over a month since the site was changed & as I said then I didnt like it then & I don't like it now, it was too bright then & it's too bright now, the change of text is not to my liking if I can change it I will, don't know if it's the fact I'm using an IPad ( 1st. Generation ) but I'll live in hope
  10. A belated Happy Birthday Wrenneire, that's been a quite one !!! Or am I imagining things !
  11. He had been suffering for a number of years with a liver desease, it seems his heart gave out,
  12. Do the guest names on line not show in the list of people on line !! ( hope this question makes sense )
  13. Where's the list of members & guests on line ! Is this part of the change on the site there're not showing on m IPad,
  14. Snap....
  15. Now Weshty, it go's like this, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, ........
  16. The International legendary All Blacks Rugby star Jonah Lomu has passed away leaving all Rugby fans throughout the World shocked at his untimely very early death. He was a legend standing at 6ft 5in on the field he commanded respect mearly by his presence. He was present for the HAKA in London this year, he was a truely respected Rugby player, may he RIP.
  17. Managed to get to this show on Sunday, very productive, picked up a couple of bargins, one of these was from a new exibitor, met wrenneire, baseboard Dave, & Eoin, don't know if anyone else off this site was there, btb
  18. I thought he ( Glenderg )said this: The sample comes from a part of the coach beneath the pneumatic door opening rod, so was covered in gunk, but is in remarkably good condition, and shows no sign of fading or sun bleaching. I got other smaller samples and there is no colour variation across the range.
  19. Has anybody got anything, loco / carriage with a colour that remotely resembles the colour required something which is getting the approval of all that could be brought to the scanner & get a code that might be suitable, !!! ducking down now,
  20. Very well done driver301, that's looking very impressive, keep the pics coming,
  21. My deepest sympathy to all who have suffered in this horrible nightmare,
  22. For those of us who may have had an interest in horse racing & maybe had a flutter or two in the 70's 80's will be sad as I am to hear of the untimely passing of the legendary World champion jockey Pat Eddery, who passed away on Tuesday, I never won any fortune betting on Pat as he was always at such short odds & sure to win, such was his knowledge of the horse & it's capabilities. I never regretted losing too his ability, I just admired his skill, may he RIP
  23. Just show's what I know about oiling a Railway engine, big or small !!!
  24. OOOOOHHHHH, the Public Service's don't they love paperwork, & this information is so important, isn't it !!!
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