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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Great pic there heirflick, imagine that monster coming at speed... a car wouldn't be much of an obstacle to her.
  2. Deadly crossing, love the signage and the electrical cabinets etc.
  3. Excellent scenes and yard there Kieran.
  4. Sean it's a great looking start to a model railway and lovely smooth running with the 201 and carriages. You can add on more track, scenery etc as time, finances and space allow. On the latter, you could consider the services of baseboard Dave who can work wonders in creating double and triple deck running space for your trains. Well done.
  5. Gave my old MIR/NIR 111 a run round the layout. She ran well on the dc line and made a lot of noise! This loco will need to be shut down and banned from late night running! [video=youtube_share;td1lJ74JbF0]
  6. Thank you very much and I'm delighted to be on the list for one of these models.
  7. Well done Popeye - they are all top class vehicles. Great examples of your modelling skills.
  8. It is UP and unusual to see on a D.E. loco but as spudfan confirms some of this class were so fitted.
  9. Looking deadly there Stephen.
  10. Great thread with excellent info on this class. Hope it's okay but couldn't resist posting a few pics.
  11. I hope this initiative gains momentum and support.
  12. Tom your line up of 201s look great and well done on the alterations. I have only limited experience with the Lima version and of course, the Murphy's loco is class, but your MIR locos retain great character and uniqueness about them and are lovely models in their own right.
  13. Saw that Eamonn and that train looks very well from in your photographs. They must be running them as a 4 piece as the 3 cars would get very crowded at times. They do look much better as a 4 car train.
  14. The 80 class is superb 33lima and I would love one in the future myself when you get a bit of spare time.
  15. I noticed the afternoon Rosslare to Dublin 22k unit entering Wicklow this evening and it was a four car set. Is this the standard on this route now instead of the usual 3 car 22k units? Have to say it was a lovely looking train in the fading light of evening and the four car looks more appropriate for an inter-city service.
  16. Great info on both types of chips Eamonn and the rest of the lads. Is there much of a price difference and does Gareth have chips for sale at mo?
  17. Thanks garfield the memory came flooding back with the news report on the Mater but I could not remember the name of the shop and I think I only visited it once.
  18. Hi Craven, well done with a lovely looking layout and will be looking forward to more photos.
  19. Hi lads, just a question - do many of you remember the old modellers shop in Monk Place (I think it was) Phibsboro. The Mater Hosp was on RTE news this evening and brought back distant memories of going out to the North Circular with my Mum when I was young - must have been 1980/81ish. I remember scourging her to take me up to find the little Model Shop that was hidden somewhere down a side street. My mother eventually brought me and in the end I bought a silly looking platform canopy which I think may have been for a continental layout. If my memory serves me correctly a little old man ran the shop at that stage? Thanks all.
  20. Happy birthday irishthumb and congrats - your wife has you spoilt!
  21. Two more of the two wheel timber wagons arrived at the weekend, one at the very rear needs to be painted. Also got a bit of ballasting done and 187 has a wagon with ploughvan. A small overbridge was also added with a 'spotter' showing interest in a passing cement.
  22. Seamus best of luck with the new site and hope to see a few more special offers up there for Christmas.
  23. Absolutely smashing looking 80.
  24. Fantastic developments and freight areas look brilliant.
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