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Garfield last won the day on October 6 2021

Garfield had the most liked content!


About Garfield

  • Birthday 31/12/1982

Personal Information

  • Location
    At large


  • Biography
    Director at Irish Railway Models and Accurascale, former journalist and PR executive, armchair football pundit, all-round bon vivant. A Longfordian who now lives in Westmeath.


  • Interests
    Music, writing, railways, aircraft, football, miniature modelling, modern military history.


  • Occupation
    Director at Irish Railway Models & Accurascale

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  1. To be honest you would probably be better off getting in touch with one of the retailers who buy collections and sell secondhand stock. Rails of Sheffield and Ellis Clark are two which come to mind, but there are others. Auctions can be unpredictable, and unless there's something special about a particular model it may have to be listed with little or no reserve, meaning you may end up getting next to nothing for the item if it does sell.
  2. The Essos were combined with the Sligo liner on occasion, especially during the 1990s. I can still hear the swearing from Sligo crews waiting on the platform waiting to take over from their Connolly counterparts when they spied a cut of tankers on the rear. It meant they were in for a longer shift...
  3. Pallet cements, etc. ran on different chassis.
  4. Re. "fitted" Bulleid opens, I've never seen evidence of any such things. However, a small number of vacuum-braked 20ft flat wagons received open bodies fabricated from the same galvanised panelling with 'extender' sections to cross the gaps at either end. The body sections were likely sourced from scrapped Bulleids.
  5. Just a quick update; a Midlands Model Railway Club has now been formed: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61566471910328
  6. FYI: We're hoping to provide both the spindle and heavy duty buffer types used on these wagons as separate accessories. Further details will be revealed in due course!
  7. Spotted in the photo album IE has posted on Facebook to celebrate 40 years of the DART: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=900315442134870&set=a.900337372132677 Our very own 333A still hanging on in 1982.
  8. Hi @Georgeconna, as I explained in my response to your email, the forum is not an official support channel and is not monitored for that purpose. We're always available to provide support via email, live chat, SMS and social media PMs. Hope you will be pleased with the replacement bogies which will be winging their way to you shortly!
  9. Hi all, The tracking for those orders activated when the labels were printed rather than when being scanned after dispatch, so the updates are a bit premature. We're looking at a way to avoid this going forward.
  10. https://www.flickr.com/photos/152343870@N07/25054624177/
  11. In short, yes! There are images of them in places like Derry/Londonderry, even some images of them being shunted by MPDs.
  12. That's pretty much it, @Metrovik.
  13. Gents, just to clarify, Partial.ly is only accepted for pre-orders with at least a six-month lead time as goods are not reserved until payment is completed in full. The 141/181s are due in approximatley six weeks. https://irishrailwaymodels.com/pages/flexible-instalment-options
  14. Interestingly, I recently saw a photo of one of the ex-GSR Drewry inspection cars painted in Black & Tan livery. Up until that I had thought their final livery was green with Flying Snails on the sides.
  15. Different brake gear and springs, same triangulated underframe...
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