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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. As Rich said, that's a Mk3 generator van. I'll get a pain in the proverbials if this descends into another discussion about shades of orange...
  2. To go with what I was saying about single 121s working in the late 1980s/early '90s, here's a photo of 130 at Mallow with the Dublin-Cork mail:
  3. I'm not sure the Inchicore Sulzers were ever fitted for multiple working. It's likely the photo above was staged, but even if it wasn't there was probably a driver in each cab. The ban on running nose-first had more to do with the fact that engine noise made it difficult for drivers to hear detonators if they were triggered by the wheels at the nose end. I wouldn't be so sure about this. They started working in multiple at the same time CIÉ began pairing the other small GMs, too, which suggests it had more to do with power requirements (the hammering they took working alone on six-coach Mk3 push-pulls showed why this was essential). Most termini still had operational turntables up until recently - and some still do - which would have allowed them to be turned, and there are photos out there of that happening. There are also photos out there of single 121s working services into the late 1980s/early '90s, such as the Cork mail. I even saw one hauling a dead 071 once in the mid-'90s.
  4. I think Richie meant multiple working as opposed to traditional double-heading...
  5. Didn't know I had one... I'll need to have a word with herself! (It's Glenderg who had the new arrival )
  6. Excellent work, Kirley! Seeing that school bus reminds me of countless cold, damp mornings waiting on the side of the road. *shudder*
  7. This is something of a misnomer. By it's very nature, a kit can't be of the same standard as an RTR model. The completed model has the potential to reach that standard, or perhaps even exceed it, but it all depends on the builder. As the saying goes... 'results may vary'.
  8. Sales update! Anyone for the last few wagons, folks!?
  9. A kit would most likely lessen the prospects of an RTR version further down the line.
  10. Each to their own and all that... but with IRM we thoroughly investigated the possibility of manufacturing closer to home and there is just no way facilities here can realistically compete. Even Rivarossi (now owned by Hornby) have moved to China. Some, like Marklin, may still undertake some production in Europe, but the cost is reflected in the retail price.
  11. That's one of the 'Presidential' Bugatti autorails - the first type to enter service. That particular one is actually the last surviving Bugatti autorail of them all. Saw it last summer at Cité du Train in Mulhouse: (My iPhone camera struggled with the terrible lighting in the museum)
  12. Threads merged.
  13. Hi RedCapBooks, and welcome to the forum. As per the rules, can you please post prices for each of the items you have for sale? Thanks.
  14. I've seen photos of the TPO variant of the four-wheel tin vans in green, but not the luggage or steam heat vans, as far as I can recall. As JB said, the six-wheelers only ever wore Black and Tan.
  15. Not a solitary hint of Tourist Train blue in that photo, JB... I'm shocked.
  16. Ah here, who reads those anyway?
  17. Yep... it's because the two of ye have very similar avatars!
  18. Different times... men were men and hats were ridiculously over-sized!
  19. Great video from the 1940s of a loco being built at Doncaster works... builders of etched kits and scratchbuilders will recognise some of the methods being used!
  20. I posted about the suitability of a Frateschi chassis for the SSM Sulzer body here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/5080-Sulzer-Kit?p=81162&viewfull=1#post81162 - I included a YouTube video of a loco which looks like it's running rather smoothly. Re. concerns over scale... it's clear that some Frateschi models are actually closer to OO than HO, even though they're marketed as being the latter. It's possible the GL8 could be one of these but you'd need to measure up an example to be certain.
  21. ...if the owner so desires.
  22. I don't think the Castle Class could ever be described as a 'beauty'. A Black & Tan A class on the other hand...
  23. Happy Christmas from Longford... hope Santa left you all deposits for IRM ballast wagons under the tree...
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