Yeah, there's no shortage of photos of the bogie wagons with the logo but images of the bubbles wearing it are a different matter. Telephone calls have already been made and the net is being cast wider.
Oh no I haven't... sure I already saw over on Facebook that No. 1 is being cut up, so she'll be needed back at Downpatrick ASAP. No time for mainline shenanigans at all...
The fangs are found only at the end where the CAWS equipment is located. You can just make out a bar running parallel to the buffer beam just above the rails; this is the antenna. I think the fangs are just there to protect the brackets holding it in place from being damaged.
Gents, I realise everyone's consumed by election mania and you're having a bit of craic, but please remember politics are strictly verboten on the forum.
Nice work, Kirley!
Not sure about that claim, JB. Most layouts I've seen which are based on the time period where cattle traffic existed do have cattle banks...
Just sent you an email with instructions that will hopefully sort out this problem you're having.
If that fails, it's time to book the flight to Sydney...