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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. What's that quote about best-laid plans? Revised arrival time of 2pm for anyone wanting to see the samples...
  2. Concrete sleepers have been around for a few decades but points with concrete sleepers have only become widespread in the last 10 years or so. The impact of the train wheels on the pointwork was absorbed better by wooden sleepers than they were by standard concrete ones until the design improved...
  3. For anyone attending the show tomorrow, I'll be bringing pre-production samples of the IRM ballast and bubble wagons with me. I should be arriving around 12.30pm and Des has kindly allowed me to utilise the Studio Scale Models stand (stand 9) as a meeting point. See you there!
  4. The IRM team will be present and we'll have the EP samples of the ballast and bubble wagons on display. We'll be taking pre-orders for both and we can accept both cash and card payments on the day.
  5. I see the programme for the show is available online: http://nmni.com/Documents/UFTM/Model-Railway-Prog-2016 Really looking forward to it now!
  6. I have a GNR UG 0-6-0 but alas it's unpowered.
  7. I'm wondering if DCC chips designed for N gauge locos might fit your 009 locos, JB? Gaugemaster also produced traditional DC controllers, which are very good. I have one somewhere - if I come across it I'll loan it to you so you can see what you think of it.
  8. Horrific incident with five dead and several injured. The tram driver has been arrested.
  9. James Bond even used it...
  10. I wonder if Faulhaber or Maxon motors have been considered? They're compact, powerful and smooth. Here's a Maxon in an old Lima class 31 chassis I have:
  11. Richie's crossed-off Downpatrick; the hunt for the Turfburner continues.
  12. They're not even in that pic, they're staggered...
  13. Indeed, but still better than being left exposed. The only real solution will be to house them, and to that end let's hope planning permission for the new building is approved and it progresses quickly.
  14. Looking forward to this... planning to head up with at least one other member the IRM team.
  15. I think the mantra for anyone heading down to Moyasta is "call in advance" as there's only a small band of volunteers keeping the place ticking over and they're not always there. From what I hear, a planning application has been submited for a shed/museum which will house the stock. The tarpaulin may obscure the view of the stock but it's a necessity, especially around that neck of the woods where the sea air would eat away at the metal in no time.
  16. Hi Bren, It's forum policy that all items offered for sale must include an asking price.
  17. Hi Bren, You'll need to include an asking price in order to advertise it for sale here.
  18. Cheers, John, it was a pleasure to meet you.
  19. Hi folks, we don't have any plans to produce beet wagons at the present time. I hope that puts the question to bed.
  20. Hi, JM. The special offer on the bubble rake is available for upfront payment only.
  21. I didn't realise you were branching out into energy bars, Dave! Are they scratchbuilt?
  22. Couldn't manage what practically everyone else has managed to do since the 1830s...
  23. Also used on the Paris Metro, but only on automated lines...
  24. Hi Railer, you're correct in your assumption. See you at the show!
  25. "Irish Rail has an 'absolute requirement' to warn its customers to mind gaps between trains and platforms when getting on and off trains, a Circuit Civil Court has said..." http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/irish-rail-has-must-warn-customers-to-mind-the-gap-court-says-35166170.html
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