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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Hi Keith, You can download that issue of New Irish Lines here: https://newirishlines.org/archive-2/
  2. Hi Stevie, IrishBloke added the price to his post after the request.
  3. The only thing I'd put them under is a passing bus...
  4. Hi IrishBloke, can you include a price please, as per forum rules. Thanks!
  5. Hi Steve, we won't be considering any further ballast runs until the first three sets sell-out.
  6. Fran and I are currently in Germany for Spielwarenmesse: The Nuremberg Toy Fair. We'll be meeting our manufacturing partners later today and should have some exciting news regarding IRM's projects.
  7. Tutorial here on how to add a photo to a third party host and link it to a forum post: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/76-Embedding-images-uploaded-to-a-3rd-party-image-host
  8. Nice work, Roxy!
  9. Hi Davy, and welcome to the forum. Per the guidelines for selling items via the forum, can you attach an asking price? Thanks! http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1080-Guidelines-for-this-area
  10. Some photos of the X class in action on passenger trains in 1986: [video=youtube;c3L-XaV66Ds] [video=youtube;ppj8wh-UUJQ] Note the thick layer of oil running down the side of the loco in the last video - a familiar Crossley trait!
  11. It has the exact same engine, JB - the Crossley HST V8.
  12. Yep, it's the original Crossley engine. It took a lot of time and effort but they finally got them to work somewhat reliably.
  13. Actually, I do have a couple of small items to hand... A first class free pass for Sligo, Leitrim & Northern Counties Railway services, which was issued to Savage French, who was the Deputy Chairman of the Cork, Bandon & South Coast Railway at the time. I have another one somewhere, too, among other bits and pieces. And here's another SLNCR piece - a letter from the railway's Locomotive Superintendent, G E Egan, to the renowned railway photographer HC Casserley:
  14. Correct. Here's a video which helps explain: If you want the wires to be less intrusive, I've seen guys tin the wires with solder and place them on the underside of the rail while touching the top of the rail with the iron. I'd experiment on a spare piece of track first, though...
  15. I've acquired some stuff over the years but most of it is currently in storage in ye olde homeplace. However, I do use this on a daily basis...
  16. Useful for recreating an all-too-familiar scene on a layout... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/picturesoftheday/6242540/Pictures-of-the-day-29-September-2009.html?image=3
  17. I'm sorry but it's patently clear the value of Sterling has been falling for some time now and it recently reached a 30+ year low against the Dollar. It made a slight recovery after Teresa May's speech earlier this week but the decline has resumed again. The forecast is for near-parity with the Euro by the time the Brexit process is complete. Regarding the likes of Parcel Motel, they have two years to find a solution. One possibility could involve having distribution depots designated as bonded warehouses. Regarding your assertion that retailers won't deduct UK VAT, as has already been pointed out twice in this thread, they already do it for non-EU sales. I find that US retailers also deduct sales tax. Another point that's also been made at least twice in this thread is that it's too early to know the exact nature of any trade deal the UK will strike with the EU. Gazing into a crystal ball with hysterical pessimism doesn't change that.
  18. All the main UK retailers already deduct VAT for non-EU sales, as far as I know. It's still worth being vigilant but any failure to deduct VAT is more likely to be due to systems awaiting updating in the post-Brexit aftermath than dodgy business practice.
  19. Handy Revenue guide in PDF format on 'Importing Goods Through the Post': http://www.revenue.ie/en/customs/leaflets/postal-guide.pdf By rights, UK retailers should be deducting VAT on sales to Ireland post-Brexit. Given that the standard rate of VAT in the UK is in the same ballpark as ours (theirs is 20%, ours is 23%), the difference between their advertised price and what Irish customers will pay won't be all that much. With the value of Sterling expected to fall further, it may even work out better. Also, given that AddressPal, Parcel Motel, etc. require the user to travel to the pick-up point, having to go to the post office to collect the parcel and pay any VAT or import duty due on the item isn't really adding any additional delay. Parcel Motel already handle parcels originating outside the EU. The customer just has to pay the duties before it will be delivered to the chosen destination: https://parcelmotel.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206194429-Can-I-purchase-goods-from-outside-the-EU-using-my-Parcel-Motel-Address-
  20. Scale Link do a comprehensive range, Kieran: http://www.scalelink.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000002.pl?WD=mesh&PN=Meshes___Mailles%2ehtml 0.5mm seems to be the finest mesh available, probably due to tolerance issues.
  21. Bicycle brake cable can be used, which is already in a tube of sorts so can save some time and effort...
  22. Are you sure it was a steak?
  23. Have you been at the falling-down lotion again, JB?
  24. Isn't No. 12 ('Hutchinson') already available?
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