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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. There are a few photos of Stranorlar in the O'Dea collection: http://catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000148612/Home?lookfor=stranorlar&submit=Apply
  2. Take a bow, Popeye - that's superb!
  3. Choice quote from that article: Using fighter jets to intercept bogeys - who would've thought it!?
  4. Ah, that clears things up - I was confused when hand-assembled track kept being mentioned when discussion had turned to RTR track options. It really sounded like you were under the impression that these options required hand assembly.
  5. Tony, I think there may be some miscommunication here. There's no assembly required with Peco or C&L bullhead - it's standard OO/HO gauge and comes in RTR flexitrack form just like regular code 75! And as I said, Marcway can supply matching ready-made pointwork, too.
  6. The issue of limited options for bullhead pointwork can be overcome by using Marcway points and asking for the bullhead variants: http://www.marcway.net/list2.php?col=head&name=Marcway+00+%26+EM+Pointwork I think they're built to order? Not cheap, but they look superb. Also, here's a link to C&L's RTR bullhead track: http://www.finescale.org.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=346_375_377_379 PS: Peco's bullhead uses code 75 rail, too.
  7. Actually, code 83 is a good call as the rail is a bit more accurate for 'main line' track in 4mm. Code 75 could be used to represent the lighter rail found in sidings, etc.
  8. Hi Tony, Check out Peco's range of bullhead rail, which would be closer to the type of rail used at Omagh than the standard flat bottom type. C&L also do bullhead in ready-to-run form.
  9. I'm keeping a close eye on this. If it fetches a half decent price I'll be tempted to sell my copy!
  10. Sounds to me like the original customers all paid up in the end, Tony.
  11. Well, technically the Supertrain livery was. Great photos!
  12. Wow, that's the first train set I ever owned as a nipper. Hadn't seen one since!
  13. No worries, Tony. I'm guilty of short, snappy replies myself at times, especially if logged in on my phone!
  14. I was under the impression that these items are already available through the P4 Society?
  15. Did you not hear what happened to the last fella who tried that with Dave? He ran, but he couldn't hide...
  16. The ballast plough can be seen in action at the end...
  17. One of the yellow power cars was scrapped, though? https://www.railexpress.co.uk/then-there-were-five/
  18. I think at least part of the set has been scrapped.
  19. I actually think the railcars aren't that bad. Certainly not as bad as Ollie's SR diesels or electrics!
  20. Most were, Des, but a few - like 2660 - were built with Bulleid-designed bodies.
  21. That's top secret for now, but all will be revealed in the not-too-distant future.
  22. Seriously? Why jump down the throat of someone who was simply reminiscing? Infraction issued. Let's move along, folks...
  23. In their day, Lima were relatively well regarded, and some people argue that the way they captured the body shapes of certain locos still hasn't been surpassed by manufacturers who produced them later. Of course, time has passed and standards have improved. You still see Lima models gracing even finescale layouts at many UK shows, though,
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