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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. The bubbles are on board the aircraft, which is scheduled to depart Dubai International Airport in the next few minutes. Wheels down in Dublin at 12.05. Edited: En route now!
  2. Not the container train, unfortunately, but IWT are going above and beyond the line of duty to ensure the bubbles clear customs and are delivered directly to Blackrock tomorrow afternoon, so they deserve kudos for that. The shipment is due to land in Dublin around midday, and we'll have Flight Radar 24 on a laptop at the stand in the morning to keep track of its progress. Thanks to the SDMRC, we will have a back room set up where a quality control team will be on hand to give each pack the once-over. They'll then be forwarded to the stand in batches so we can keep a steady supply for customers from approximately 3.30pm onwards. The adrenaline is already coursing through the veins here at IRM Towers. There won't be much sleep this weekend, but it's nothing a strong cuppa and a steady supply of sandwiches won't sort out... Patrick
  3. Any clues here?
  4. Another day, another survey! Richie and I are out and about to measure-up something which will be the first stage of a real game-changer for IRM. We’ll reveal more on this one closer to the release date of the model in question.
  5. Measuring equipment and cameras dusted off again...

    1. Weshty


      Oh lordy, where could yee be? 

  6. Hi Speedy, Work is still ongoing but we hope to have it completed soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. Testing... testing... ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space!

  8. We're blaming Brian https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/storm-brian-flooding-fears-for-coastal-areas-as-sandbags-put-out-1.3262968
  9. Hi Dhu Varren, Apologies. There may be temporary glitches and errors while we're conducting upgrades to the forum's servers: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/6532-Maintenance-Work?p=104621#post104621
  10. Situation normal, so?
  11. Yes, it's pretty common, although you'll need a gearbox as well... otherwise you'll have two speed settings: warp speed and stop. Edit: Something like this Mashima motor would be suitable - http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Mashima-Motor-MH-1224D-10-5-polig-12V-DC-Gleichstrom-MHK-MH-1224-/262022885652?hash=item3d01c7f114:g:bpIAAOSwBLlVO1MG And some gearboxes: http://www.djhmodelloco.co.uk/motors-gearboxes-oo-ho-scale/
  12. They did indeed. Only a handful of wagons received the 'Irish Cement' branding, while the majority carried the ivory CIÉ livery right to the end, although it was often hidden by layer of hardened cement dust!
  13. Ah, that would be because Boskonay made some changes just afterwards to try and avoid issues such as the one Railer was experiencing. Sorry for the confusion!
  14. Hi Railer, If you scroll to the bottom of any page on the forum, you'll see a drop-down menu on the left-hand side with a selection of different forum layouts, which includes an option for the old forum design. The default setting is 'Irish Railway Modeller FLUID'. If it's not already set to this, select it from the list and away you go.
  15. November 18th, JB! I did read the calendar wrong, however... I meant the Saturday, which is the 19th. That would make it easier for anyone from outside Dublin who wishes to attend.
  16. There’s also a Bulleid open on static display at Dunsandle station, Co Galway, on the old Loughrea branch.
  17. *ahem* Get yerself to SpecSavers, JB!
  18. How about an early evening rendezvous at Ryan's on Saturday, November 18th, so?
  19. Typical! We'll look into arranging something.
  20. Hi Railer, Can you send a quick email to info [at] irishrailwaymodels.com to confirm? Thanks. In other news, we're updating the customer database on our website at the moment, which may temporarily disrupt access.
  21. That's what I was referring to...
  22. I don't think I've ever come across replica tickets on eBay. I think a lot of the mint, unused ones come from unsold stock which was offloaded or 'liberated' when the companies closed.
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