Not the container train, unfortunately, but IWT are going above and beyond the line of duty to ensure the bubbles clear customs and are delivered directly to Blackrock tomorrow afternoon, so they deserve kudos for that.
The shipment is due to land in Dublin around midday, and we'll have Flight Radar 24 on a laptop at the stand in the morning to keep track of its progress.
Thanks to the SDMRC, we will have a back room set up where a quality control team will be on hand to give each pack the once-over. They'll then be forwarded to the stand in batches so we can keep a steady supply for customers from approximately 3.30pm onwards.
The adrenaline is already coursing through the veins here at IRM Towers. There won't be much sleep this weekend, but it's nothing a strong cuppa and a steady supply of sandwiches won't sort out...