As Fran said, what a weekend!
It was great to meet up with familiar faces (even a few I hadn't seen in almost 18 years!) as well as meeting many new customers. Thank you all for your patience in waiting for the bubbles to arrive, and we hope you're all happy with them now they're finally arriving. Astonishingly, we're almost completely sold out of Pack As (the 'Irish Cement'-liveried bubbles) just over 48 hours after they landed, while Pack B isn't far behind.
Speaking of which, I've just chatted to the production manager at the factory and the remainder of the bubbles are nearing completion (the balance of Pack B, along with Packs C and D), so they'll hopefully be shipping out before the end of the week.
In the meantime, there's no rest for the wicked: over the coming days there's CAD to be completed and production slots to be booked for upcoming projects...