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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Well, we can't say definitively that it was the only one, but it's certainly the only one we can find evidence for. Of course, the orange bubbles had similar stencilling...
  2. Good luck! Judging on the results you achieved with your Canadian layout, this will be worth following.
  3. Glad you're happy with your new arrivals, gents! We hope to have the decks cleared re. all outstanding orders over the next two/three business days.
  4. Done!
  5. Steady on!
  6. Well, we can now reveal that this survey mission was for something else entirely. The photo was taken 'somewhere on the eastern side of the Irish Sea' because early in the new year we'll be launching into the UK market with a new brand called Accurascale. The tooling process is already underway for the first products in this range, although you'll have to wait until February 1st to see what they are. And don't worry, this won't affect production timelines for IRM products...
  7. That's the problem with air freight: you think you can fly a shipment of bubbles over the UK but you end up being detected by Dover chain home radar station. We're just lucky Fighter Command didn't scramble 3 Squadron's Hurricanes from Hawkinge...
  8. Nice one, Eoin! @Warbonnet is slowly working his way through one of those kits, too.
  9. Burning the midnight oil again. I'll need to order more...

  10. Make that seven...
  11. Looking through the stock sheet here, there are just eight sets of Pack A (Irish Cement livery) remaining! Get them while they're hot...
  12. Great start, Eoin, and looking forward to more progress updates. The F class were fascinating locos.
  13. From what I recall from travelling in GM cabs back in the day, the bouncing is fairly realistic.
  14. Hi Geoff, they're available from the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland. They can be purchased by mail order using a form which can be downloaded here: https://steamtrainsireland.com/shop I believe Mark's Models may also have some in stock.
  15. That would be the one by JM Design. You can find the thread by scrolling down to the JM Design section under ‘Shops, Manufacturers & Services’ - about halfway down the forum homepage. Shortcut:
  16. You'll have to be more specific than that, Colin. Do you remember what type of steam loco it was?
  17. Three more editions have been published since then. They’re a handy resource.
  18. As Fran said, what a weekend! It was great to meet up with familiar faces (even a few I hadn't seen in almost 18 years!) as well as meeting many new customers. Thank you all for your patience in waiting for the bubbles to arrive, and we hope you're all happy with them now they're finally arriving. Astonishingly, we're almost completely sold out of Pack As (the 'Irish Cement'-liveried bubbles) just over 48 hours after they landed, while Pack B isn't far behind. Speaking of which, I've just chatted to the production manager at the factory and the remainder of the bubbles are nearing completion (the balance of Pack B, along with Packs C and D), so they'll hopefully be shipping out before the end of the week. In the meantime, there's no rest for the wicked: over the coming days there's CAD to be completed and production slots to be booked for upcoming projects...
  19. Lovely work as always, @Georgeconna! It was great to catch up with you at Blackrock.
  20. Boxes? Check! Bubble wrap? Check! Packing tape? Check! 

  21. Great photos, Noel, and delighted you’re happy with your bubbles. It was nice meeting you today - sorry I couldn’t chat for longer.
  22. Wheels down!
  23. Now over the Irish Sea. The flight was late departing Dubai but the pilots appear to have kept the fires lit so the delay isn't too bad... almost as if they knew!
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