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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. I actually think the railcars aren't that bad. Certainly not as bad as Ollie's SR diesels or electrics!
  2. Most were, Des, but a few - like 2660 - were built with Bulleid-designed bodies.
  3. That's top secret for now, but all will be revealed in the not-too-distant future.
  4. Seriously? Why jump down the throat of someone who was simply reminiscing? Infraction issued. Let's move along, folks...
  5. In their day, Lima were relatively well regarded, and some people argue that the way they captured the body shapes of certain locos still hasn't been surpassed by manufacturers who produced them later. Of course, time has passed and standards have improved. You still see Lima models gracing even finescale layouts at many UK shows, though,
  6. Stunning work as always, David! Can't wait to see this layout in the flesh.
  7. Thanks, Joe! An excellent layout nonetheless...
  8. I can't recall whether Harry Mulholland's 'Knockmore Junction' was built to regular 7mm standards or if it's finescale. It shares some stock with 'Octavia Hill', too... Does anyone know for certain?
  9. A gentleman based in Germany has built a Supertrain-era model of Kilkenny station in 21mm gauge. It was featured in the May 2014 edition of New Irish Lines.
  10. There are two distinct layers on the sample to the left...
  11. Was the purpose of brake vans not so much to stop runaways as to keep tension in loose couplings to avoid any working loose and splitting the train?
  12. Hi folks, I've split this conversation from the thread in the 'for sale' section. Can I respectfully remind you all not to derail (pun intended) such threads with tangential discussion. Thanks!
  13. Just to add to what Fran has said: some detailing has been refined but we've also added some more eye candy, too.
  14. Yeah, separate tooling required for HO and OO...
  15. Ah, hadn't noticed you'd changed the sideframes!
  16. Now that you've a MM141 chassis under your C class, you could try using its bogie sideframes with the 121. They're pretty much the same, apart from some minor details and a slight difference in length.
  17. Cheers, gents!
  18. Finally! Someone appreciates my efforts! Enjoy your wagons!
  19. Another recent addition, once again French rather than Irish: It's an enamel platform nameboard for a station called St Hilare sur Garonne (now known as St Hilare de Lusignan), which closed in the early 1970s. Here's a view of the station as it is now on Google Street View: It's located roughly halfway between Bordeaux and Toulouse...
  20. No problem, Patrick! The one at North Wall is located at the wagon servicing facility and is used to raise wagons so that axles can be removed and replaced.
  21. There were also similar cranes at Heuston and Dromod, and another at the wagon servicing facility in North Wall, which is still still in use. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head... I'm sure there are more.
  22. Hi Molderman, It'll be hard to judge interest until you put up a list of what's available...
  23. I thought Matlock had retired, Dave?
  24. Dave has a few curves alright. According to Railway Modeller's latest swimsuit issue, he's 40-33-43. (I'll get me coat...)
  25. There's a great echo in here, JB!
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