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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Lads.. lads... I know ye're all getting excited, but try not to lose the run of yourselves!
  2. Crossed wires... I deleted my post after I saw Fran post his, but you had obviously seen it already!
  3. I can safely say that'll either be Boskonay, Warbonnet, Glenderg or myself... unless someone here has a spy working in the factory.
  4. Already in the pipeline, Des!
  5. Hi Chris, Thanks for your order; I see it on the system here. I also have a copy of an email sent to you from Stephen (@irishrailwaymodels.com) at 23.42 on October 20th responding to your original query. Is it possible it got directed to your spam folder?
  6. We'll be giving away a three-pack of our forthcoming CIE/IR ballast wagon to one lucky customer who makes a purchase before this Sunday evening (details below)! See you in Blackrock!
  7. It's competition time, folks! Roll up, roll up...
  8. That's a 2-Do-2 wheel arrangement.
  9. What Richie meant was that we won't be going for the option of mixing self-applied decals with factory-applied prefixes. There's nothing to stop modellers renumbering them...
  10. True, can't think of any with balconies offhand, unless some NCC examples did? Also, Irish cabins tended to have at least one window on the ground floor.
  11. Hi Richard, Unfortunately they are quite different designs... Thanks for the order.
  12. Cheers, Noel! The stand should be a handy meet-up point for the forum members.
  13. Hi Bernard, Hello and welcome to the forum! Just to let you know, the rules and guidelines state that you must include an asking price.
  14. Just had a chance to properly read through this thread now. Thanks to everyone for the positive messages! To put it simply, the main safeguard we have is Dave Jones from DJ Models; he has a longstanding relationship with the Chinese factory we will be using and he knows the people on the ground there, which is a huge bonus for us. We sat down with Dave back in August for a comprehensive discussion about the project and among the topics covered was contingency plans for 'disaster' scenarios. This included everything from substandard finishing to securing the moulds in the highly unlikely event the factory shuts down. On the point of substandard finishing, Dave will provide an extra stage of quality control between the factory and ourselves, so if something like that happens it will be returned to the factory for re-working without ever landing on our doorstep.
  15. One shouldn't forget either hemisphere if they intend to make it through the day...
  16. Yes, Warbonnet and I will be there to hand out infractions and bans in person! But seriously, though, should be a nice opportunity to put faces to names and maybe even sign-up some new recruits.
  17. Garfield


    That's a good-looking build... looking forward to seeing it progress!
  18. Great minds, Broithe. Great minds...
  19. This article was published in The Telegraph yesterday: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11918663/Why-do-men-love-model-railways.html
  20. He may need to revise that end time... And this is towards the end of the queue...
  21. I'm not a fan of the overall advertising, but I'd love to see something similar to the current collaboration between Bus Éireann and various artists for ID2015: A Year of Irish Design.
  22. So the RC flying version's first outing didn't go according to plan then?
  23. There's absolutely nothing funny about statutory rape. Thread closed.
  24. See also: artistic freedom.
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