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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. While I love Cravens as an enthusiast, my abiding memory as someone who travelled in them frequently in their later years are that they were drafty, poorly-heated, and poorly-lit because more often than not the lighting would be on the blink. While IÉ's railcar fleet doesn't really float my boat, the 29ks perform their intended role very well (moving large volumes of commuters reliably), and I enjoy travelling by 22k and find them comfortable - way ahead of many rail journeys I've experienced on the continent. Engine noise in the passenger compartment is something you'll experience on most DMUs, not just Irish railcars...
  2. Videos rather than photos, but may be useful...
  3. What's it worth to you?
  4. Glenderg of this parish does a lot of custom model-making. He's competitively priced, too.
  5. Don't think it was a SPAD... the camera is zoomed-in a bit to cut out the view of the control panel. Love the video... brings back memories of getting cab rides when I was younger. The ride was indeed bouncy on the 071s, especially in spots where bullhead rail was still used.
  6. Eiretrains and the National Library's O'Dea collection are good places to start... http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20B/Bray/IrishRailwayStations.html http://catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000148612/Home?lookfor=bray&submit=Apply
  7. Ha, no worries... it happens to me, too. I must say I enjoyed browsing through those photos.
  8. There seems to be quite a few photos in the O'Dea collection, dating from the late 1950s-early '60s... http://catalogue.nli.ie/Collection/vtls000148612/Home?lookfor=thurles&submit=Apply ...I especially like the one of the J15 dragging a two-car AEC set out of the station.
  9. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Cheers JB!
  10. Mod: There's no need to descend into condescension when responding to what looks to be a genuine misunderstanding. Any further correspondence into this matter should be taken up with the mod team via PM, so the thread doesn't stray off-topic.
  11. There are drawings of the 400s in the latest edition of New Irish Lines, too.
  12. So much variety back then... good times! I came across this video in the links after watching it: Some nice A class action on the ammonias. Love the bridge across the river at Shelton Abbey!
  13. I've no idea, to be honest. Jhbachill171 of this parish will no doubt be along shortly... he wrote 'Rails Around Achill' and loves waxing lyrical about liveries.
  14. Hi Ian, If you don't have it already, 'The Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland' by Ernie Shepherd is a good place to start. Plenty of photos, but all in black and white. It's unlikely there are any colour photos of MGWR coaches in their original liveries... I certainly haven't seen any, at least.
  15. Mod: Crikey, it's like 3am at a hen party with all the tears and handbags in here. We've received a few reported post notifications, and I'm here to clean up the mess... 1. Infraction to Ed for starting the row. 2. Infraction to Anto for retaliating instead of letting the mods deal with the situation, as per site rules. Offending posts deleted. Any further communications in relation to this should be conducted via PM with the mod team. Continuing it here will result in more infractions.
  16. Hi CG, Site rules... you'll have to place a value on the item, or the listing will have to be removed.
  17. Broken link there, Dhu Varren...
  18. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Glad to hear it.
  19. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Subscription rates can be found here: http://newirishlines.org/about/
  20. Congratulations, Noel! Looking forward to seeing how Tara Junction Mk2 progresses.
  21. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    And here's a preview of the front cover...
  22. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    The November 2014 edition should be arriving through letterboxes around now. Apologies for the delay... I encountered a few technical issues at my end and real life got in the way, too. This issue includes an article by Jeremy Clements and Michael McMahon which is a companion piece to their book, 'Locomotives of the GSR'. It focuses on drawings of the company's locomotives and kickstarts a series of drawings which will come bundled with future issues of the newsletter. This edition includes drawings of classes 280 (M1), 342 (D4), 400 (B2), 402 (B2a), 495 (M3), 850 (P1), 670 (I3), 710 (J15b), 700 (J15a), and 800 (B1a).
  23. Nice find! I believe they were repainted before they turned a wheel in service, so this is definitely a rare shot of them!
  24. It's on it's way out now.
  25. Not sure about the Ds, but I've seen photos of Es in both liveries at Heuston and Connolly...
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