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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Seriously? While there's no disputing the standard of the models Fleischmann produced in Germany, the quality of RTR models in general is higher than it has ever been before, and the overwhelming majority of these products are produced in China.
  2. It'll still need to have a minimum radius of 22".
  3. It can't, as Dave explained above.
  4. It's ultimately a Government decision, not Irish Rail's. Decision expected next month. http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0805/719405-dart-underground/
  5. The conversation is relevant to this section of the forum ('What's Happening on the Network'). As per the rules of the site, if you have a problem with anything being discussed please contact the moderators about it instead of tackling the matter yourself. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/79-Website-Guidelines-Rules
  6. Top tip from the storage master... nice one, Dave! Never would have guessed plastic boxes would do that.
  7. Never knew you sold bananas, Dave...
  8. Here's the translated text, courtesy of Google Translate (so it's far from perfect...):
  9. Folks, this topic is already 'borderline' as political discussion is prohibited under the forum's rules and guidelines but I'm willing to give some leeway as long as talk is confined to rail-related issues, and specifically ones relating to this particular topic. (see rules here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/79-Website-Guidelines-Rules). However, any more references to other policies, ideologies, bankers, etc. etc. will earn you a slap on the wrist.
  10. Already being discussed here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/4816-Irish-Times-State-under-pressure-to-put-rail-services-up-for-tender
  11. Mod: Infraction issued for trolling/insulting.
  12. Folks, Can I draw your attention to point 9 of the forum's rules and guidelines: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/79-Website-Guidelines-Rules Please bear this in mind before posting images from books, videos, etc.
  13. The grass isn't greener over yonder after all...
  14. I'm afraid I'm getting an error message when I click that link...
  15. Now that looks like one serious engineering project... looking forward to seeing it progress!
  16. The authorities in Dubai are planning to introduce drones to deliver official documents even sooner than that... http://www.cnet.com/uk/news/drone-deliveries-get-off-the-ground-in-dubai/
  17. Thanks to JB for organising the visit, and to all at the Downpatrick & County Down Railway for their warm hospitality. It was nice to put faces to names, too. And as the others have said, it's great to see so many young people actively involved. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip out to Inch Abbey and back behind No. 1, and the visits to the engine shed, carriage gallery, and workshops. The icing on the cake was the cab ride in 146.
  18. Regarding the catch points, these are sprung and their purpose is to derail a runaway travelling in the opposite direction only. With double line working, trains run along the left-hand track in the direction of travel and so there's a greater danger posed by a runaway travelling in the opposite direction than there is by one travelling 'the right way'.
  19. I've thrown together an A4 fold-up pocket booklet in PDF format, which can be printed out and may be useful to anyone taking part in Saturday's visit. It includes a copy of the timetable and much of the information provided by JHB above. Here's the download link: https://www.mediafire.com/?n21fwpd1skgb2bp And below is a preview...
  20. It's still in place all the way between Athlone and Mullingar, but the fact it is disconnected at the Athlone end means it is now regarded as a long siding, as mentioned above. Can we get this thread back on-topic now?
  21. Bit of civility required, too. Infraction issued.
  22. Not resprayers... Lima produced Mk1s in CIÉ green back in the 1970s. Not prototypical at all, though.
  23. It's a BR Mk1...
  24. Indeed, but what has this got to do with route clearance for the 201s?
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