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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. It was all done manually - a crew in each cab, with the drivers communicating using whistle codes.
  2. Nidge isn't dead after all... he was put in witness protection and given a new identify as a FIFA match official. Spotted last night...
  3. There's a good one of a U2 performance out there, too... [video=youtube;IagcDon-ZJk] (I especially like the guitar solo!)
  4. Ah jaysus. Fran got a hammering in prison, but I don't think he's dead... so he'll be back. Perhaps Terence 'Big Balls' will come back from Spain and set up his own operation? I've a feeling Janet's son will feature more, too...
  5. Limited edition SNCF bogie ballast wagons were produced by French manufacturer Mistral a few years ago. They bear a close resemblance to the current NIR ballast wagons. However, the models only appear on eBay, etc. very rarely and prices go through the roof. http://www.boutiquedutrain.fr/images/mistral/mst-27-01-B007-face1.JPG
  6. I think Nidge will survive... if they'd wanted to kill him off, the script would've included a shot to the head. That's my guess anyway... RTÉ are claiming today that over a million people watched the programme last night!
  7. Great win, yes... but this should be in the off-topic area. Moving it now..
  8. There's already a thread about it here, guys... http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3719-Luxury-Touring-Train
  9. It's a bespoke model built for the company that manufactured the real locomotive.
  10. This one is a C class, Weshty... Didn't that A class turn up on the IRRS stand at some of the exhibitions, too? Or is that a different model?
  11. Personally, I'm not moved either way, save to say it will be nice to see something different on the network. I do find it funny, though, that there are some individuals who appear to be obsessed about being in so-called 'golden circles' and the need to possess 'exclusive' information about a train with the express intention of lording it over others with an undeserved sense of importance, not to mention smugness, when at the end of the day it's just a hobby. It's an attitude I don't think I'll ever understand, but hey, what would I know... I just live out here in the real world; I realise that it is just a hobby to be enjoyed, so I save that sort of energy for the things that actually are important. Now, time for a coffee and then off to do some work...
  12. Just pre-ordered two of those little beauties... no CIÉ-era layout should be without a Leyland!
  13. Mod: I've already warned all involved in that little altercation to stop, so I'm left with no option but to issue an infraction. Any grievances or concerns relating to the disagreement should be conducted via PM with the mod team.
  14. Mod: That's enough, folks. Cheers.
  15. The Red Bull livery is the current NIR livery, Richie.
  16. I believe it's still operational, JB.
  17. Well that didn't take long... correct! Taken from right beside Mussenden Temple.
  18. This topic is a popular one on several other forums, so I thought it would also make a nice addition here. Here's a photo I took at the weekend... can any of you guess the location? Feel free to add your own photos to keep us guessing!
  19. Fair enough, Dave...
  20. Mod: Can you please use properly structured sentences so that readers can clearly understand your question? Cheers!
  21. I live in hope...
  22. If I had time to sit at it for five minutes, it'd be sliced to pieces by now. Alas, work and other commitments (including New Irish Lines, among others) have kept me away from it.
  23. So the shop owners and their staff should survive on fresh air alone? Sounds plausible...
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