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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. The shops aren't going to accept new MM stock while they're still trying to sell the previous product, especially if they're taking some time to move.
  2. Mod: Yeow... easy on the caps lock key, there!
  3. Always happy to help!
  4. You asked how to upload photos, so I provided a link to a tutorial. Now you're giving out?
  5. There's already a tutorial in the 'Site News & Help' section: http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/76-Embedding-images-uploaded-to-a-3rd-party-image-host
  6. Express Models have something similar in their range: http://www.expressmodels.co.uk/acatalog/Scenic_Effects.html (a little over halfway down the page)
  7. The crash didn't have anything to do with their withdrawal... that was down to economics.
  8. Your first port of call should be Des Coakham's 'Irish Broad Gauge Carriages', which includes some CIÉ stock. It's been ages since I've looked through it, so I can't recall exactly what he covers in it.
  9. Had a few Duvels alright... and quite a few other Belgian beers, too! Something I only learned after I returned home is that Belgium has the densest rail network in the world.
  10. It's a gangway... the units can be run in multiple, with the yellow cab end folding away, similar to the Danish IC3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC3
  11. Hi folks, Just back from a trip to Belgium which involved a bit of train travel, so I duly took some photos...
  12. Folks, Warbonnet has already asked for an end to this line of discussion, so can y'all leave it there? Thanks.
  13. It certainly looks like it... Edit: It definitely is!
  14. Mod: Thread title altered to reflect the correct abbreviation of the club's name.
  15. Welcome to the forum, Grambit... looking forward to seeing how your layout progresses!
  16. Garfield


    IÉ fitted them when they had the loco on loan... same deal with the orange/black window frame.
  17. Actually, I've got nothing to do with it but I'm sure Richie will get on just fine... Fantastic Idea, Rich... looking forward to seeing it progress!
  18. My preferred weapon of choice is Avid Media Composer, but Premier is right up there, too... especially as it goes hand-in-hand with After Effects, which is great for SFX (if you can do all the calculations)!
  19. I use Squadron White Putty myself... I found it to be a big improvement over Milliput and there's no messing about with mixing, etc. before application.
  20. Some of the six-wheeler steam vans were still in service then, too, so they could be another possibility...
  21. Ah ha... cheers for the clarification. I don't think I've seen any photos of them prior to being fitted with the generators.
  22. All the Dutch vans had generators...
  23. Some cracking shots there, especially the colour pics of Kilfree Junction and the Guinness railway... nice to see photos of how the narrow gauge Spence steam locos were able to run on the 5ft 3in sections! It's a crying shame that the Guinness Hudswell Clarke diesel shunter wasn't preserved.
  24. I must say I'm partial to a game of World of Tanks, especially the Blitz version for the iPhone... Steel Fury looks interesting, though!
  25. Ha, no big deal anyway... I do get it hard to keep track with all the different variants!
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