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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Like I said the last time - No - Lima Mk2F or wait for the new Bachmann models to arrive
  2. Funny cos its true - and they were €10 or €12 down in the kitty... Cant say I didnt try to support them at least
  3. I would be prepared to make initial negotiations with manufacturers regarding a crowd sourced model. I cant see the initial costs being too high. These costs would purely be to get the kickstarter page running and a small website for information etc. The advantage being for either a 121 or an A/C there are still existing prototypes rather than relying on drawings.... Nothing will happen until sufficient funding has been gathered, that is of course if the required amount is met
  4. Dont forget Hornby are suffering with supply and quality issues at present, Does not matter if you are the almost generic model railway brand and a well known company, if you drop the ball, someone else will quickly grab it and run away with it.... The 71 was crowdsourced (to prove the demand was there) whereas everything else by DJM was not. They had announced models that nobody else was planning - very surprised nobody had gone for a Class 59 and now DJM have. When Bachmann announced the Blue Pullman, Olivias Trains who were in the process of commissioning Heljan to make one, backed off... no point in 2 high quality versions of the same model. Cant see this happening with an Irish model though This is not only the problem with crowdfunding, but with wishlists....
  5. The flipside of crowdfunding has revealed itself at Warley - Hornby have just announced their BR Class 71, after DJM sucessfully crowdfunded their model...
  6. Yup - and if 1 person thinks it on here there are many more in the real world....... Still think the Cravens are the best models MM have ever done (personally of course)
  7. Any intention to get this back in 2015? The realist in my says no. My abiding memory of this is my pal showing an 'admit 1' pass, me reaching for my wallet and being told 'ah sure gwan in'
  8. Whats interesting there is the amounts of money that people are giving. Not even 1/4 of the way there yet, but this might change after Warley this weekend. Will be interesting if the target is reached....
  9. Hence it not appearing. You have to spend money to make money....
  10. Perhaps - but several people have indicated on here that they wont buy it unless its done by MM, talk about gullible.
  11. They still would not pay - in the words of Homer J Simpson - 'Why cant someone else do it' Complete muck, does not look right at all and overpriced - yet people buy them....... Pity people wont vote with their feet like they did with several of Heljan and Bachmanns offerings
  12. A class has 2 variants (shells) - pre/post rebuilding and 3 liveries for each (6 liveries; Silver,Green,Black,Black/Tan,Supertrain,IR), 2 numbers for each model - 12 models C class has 2 variants (shells) - pre/post rebuilding and 3 liveries for each (6 liveries; Silver,Green,Black,Black/Tan,Supertrain,NIR), 2 numbers for each model - 12 models 121 - depends how realistic you want your model to be, as delivered condition is quite different to black/tan with all the modifications that went on. The 121's initially ran with no walk way handrails among other things. 2 variants with 5 liveries; Grey/Yellow,Black/Tan,Supertrain,IR,IE, 2 of each - 10 models. All would be motorised too, DCC allows double heading, or decent analogue controllers. Nobody moaned about all the 141/181's being motorised when they frequently ran as pairs. Will your crowdfunding get you 1 model (variant) or 2? Also if 200 people on here are mad keen for it, yet a batch of 200 MM 071's are struggling to leave the shelves, this forum is not an indication of the demographic... Its why, as already stated the Murphys 121 model is pending, and will continue to for a while....
  13. Given that sales of Murphy models have slowed right down over the last 12 months - doubtful. Also everyone would say 'ah yeah Ill have one' yet you would need a large set of boltcutters to open their wallets.... Saying it like it is, also if it was for A/C's you would need 2 mouldings for each, (pre/post rebuild), the plus side being there would be 6 mainstream liveries for each model, then theres the small variants
  14. They will only get in what they can sell, so people in the area are obviously big into diecast/military modelling, but the models of the vehicles often seen in riots were a huge seller. Regarding the move, anyone who visited the Queen St shop in the previous 12 months will have noticed the majority of other shops on that street had closed down permanently, leaving the Model Shop isolated almost. At least with the Boucher move the shop was back into firm retail territory. Being a sole trader is not easy and if it means closing the premises to keep your livelihood going, needs must
  15. Bleach Green looking good - but the running was terrible. Need to level it out next time as it was uneven. Pity Possibly the last outing for Rowlands Castle too - done plenty of travelling around the UK. Depends if it sells or not
  16. Use the F7 and just fit longer sideframes, unless its an eye level layout 2 inches from your face you would never know...
  17. The problem is - the A class is very short for a 6 axle chassis - The B101 class is even shorter. Easier to fit 2 power bogies than a central can motor chassis - but depends too on how much work you fancy
  18. How much!!!!
  19. Its a tad longer, but not as long as the Deltic. Probably only need 1 new driveshaft to be made up. Easiest solution is 2 Hornby Deltic power bogies wired in parallel
  20. Bogies will work fine, but will need a lot of chopping on the Deltics chassis, you will need to make your own driveshafts and how long is the motor including flywheels?? Surprised nobody mentioned 1 of these http://www.ebay.ie/itm/HO-1-87-FRATESCHI-LOCOMOTIVE-G-22-CU-RFFSA-BRAZIL-/271636766414?pt=Model_RR_Trains&hash=item3f3ed01ece
  21. Also throws autofocus lenses off so they are harder to photograph - at least thats the theory
  22. Thanks John, proves its true about what they say about people from Cork, apart from they are from Cork...... Insults are always better delivered to the face anyway. I have nothing more to say about this and my opinions are my own and do not represent those that the MRSI may have
  23. Why do you frequently say you were away for so long and yet weigh in with opinions which are utter crap?
  24. Heres one I prepared earlier..... And the finished item,all done a few years ago now...
  25. Since you said please - the windows that were filled in are still visible, also the window on 1 side beside the guards door is filled in, but the frame still remains...not clear on the drawing
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