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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Pass me a bucket - thats a BR Cravens 105 painted up, 33Limas one actually looks like an AEC set
  2. Colour (duh), different engine, load regulator setup. Look at the vid closely to see that a few side doors have been replaced too
  3. A lot of things different about the NIR locos, not just the horns either
  4. Blaine

    MK3 Scrapping

    Just 6105 left now, 'supposedly' heading for preservation as the last coach ever built in Inchicore
  5. Look up there........in the sky...........a PIG!!
  6. Too much for whats there sadly
  7. I went, plenty of displays, but nothing for me really. Wexford the only model railways there in amongst the sea of farm dioramas
  8. Bottom one is Wexford
  9. Its the only way of getting the chassis...
  10. Id imagine given the price of hiring the venue, the organisers are taking a big financial gamble too. No offence intended to those living outside the capital, but it strikes me as an inflated version of the model farm shows seen around the country - ie 90% diecast models/dioramas. Fine, but you need to be more diverse to call it a hobby show. The MRSI were not contacted and I doubt the SDMRC were either. Granted Im a railway modeller, but I appreciate hobbys and crafts, but they need to look more outside the 'bubble' imo. The hall could easily fit any travelling layout that exists in the country. Will attend, but am curious to see if they can fill the hall at Punchestown completely, and what the mix of trade and exhibitors is like....
  11. Anyone planning on going to this? By the looks of things if your not into farm and truck dioramas you might be disappointed! Will also be interesting if the hall at Punchestown is totally filled
  12. Screw both and get Exactoscale track and Marcway points.....
  13. A pair of Lima 73 bogies will finish the power car off a treat
  14. Not sure if it was a preserved line, it served a purpose as a car park shuttle. Rode on it once, it prob never rang again after that!
  15. It is, red tape meant it never went to Whitehead
  16. MRSI is €50 for the year, but its paid at the beginning of each year so you may be offered a discount - not a guarantee mind. The €400 per year for the SDMRC is down to how they fund their premises, but not really for public discussion
  17. The IWT logos were stuck on though, not separate boards
  18. Lesson? Elaborate. PM me and Ill publish it for everyone to see Anyway a spoil wagon will be nice to see, along with any other reasonably priced model that looks right and is built well. A well known ebay seller turned manufacturer should take heed from what Ive just said re quality and price
  19. Will look better than the MIR conversion kit too, never liked the powercar cabs on them
  20. Not here any more by the looks of things 'lights cigar'
  21. TBA - depends if they have a locomotive that is operational or not.....
  22. British Gas Goosewing Grey for the grey (thats what it said on my matched aerosol)
  23. But there was a modification to the InterCity livery as mentioned, a white stripe and Intercity branding between approx(??) 1986 and 1989 when the new livery was introduced....
  24. Even that wont work sometimes, the brake fluid might react with the plastic,never mind the paint and you end up with a pile of sludge
  25. Yup, Bachmann or Lima Whats involved
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