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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. One or both of his sons will take the business on. As mentioned earlier €100k minimum is the starting point and the size of the market here would make it almost impossible. Some decent CAD drawings of any proposed model would no doubt get people to part with at least a 50% deposit. It must be money up front, as history dicates everyone is keen until it comes to parting with their cash. The market in the UK is massive compared to here, a good example would be the Kernow Class 205 Thumper DEMU's, a unit which only ran in a certain part of the UK, yet gained enough interest for a RTR model to be made by a major manufacturer in several liveries, albeit commissioned by a retailer. The only model worth making would be the A class, with 6 basic liveries - but dont forget you would need 2 sets of tooling for original/re-engined with EMD headlight versions so that could well be €200k needed as people might not buy it if its not right - but then again people seem ok to part with cash for certain highly inaccurate models so who knows. Re-liveries of existing models are of course cheaper (e.g IE Autoballasters) but the 3 major model retailers on the island simply would not be able to get the funding together to commission a RTR model. Im sure Model Railways are not the main earner for any of them (open to correction) but given the Model Railway only retailers that were here no longer exist its a case of make do with what is available/pending and appreciate it. If you have a six figure sum lying about and are willing to take the risk go for it
  2. Funny you should say that - the SF model is basically a Cravens 105 repainted. He took too long to release his own models, got overtook by Bachmann and needed a way to get rid of what he had
  3. A poorly named 'society' then, perhaps a name change is in order
  4. If they have enough interest and their priorities in the correct order it could work.
  5. His attempts are not the best a lot of the time. I recall the model of D0280 Falcon, you could see that it was a mould of a Lima 47. And dont get me started on the A/C classes.......
  6. Par for the course
  7. 121/201 could work in push pull with the Mk3 p/p stock, but 071's and 141's worked with them as hauled stock sometimes, running round at the end of the journey And yes the footsteps were welded over, no doubt for health and safety reasons.... But 8208/209 still have the steps
  8. Repaired, but never quite the same. Badly damaged by fire some years later and never ran again
  9. Whatever happened to make one yourself?
  10. The driver (or should I say engineer) stayed onboard until the last second, so kudos there. The youtube comments state that the freight was operating beyond where they should have been
  11. Blaine


    I suggest moving the URL higher maybe or have a few of them. People might lose interest in what it says and not get to the bottom. Also remove the ooohs and aaahs
  12. Keep in mind that it wont always run 'as advertised'. Hours or even days early or late running can be expected
  13. I used to when they get the labels wrong
  14. Blaine

    071 photo

    IE's internets police have stepped in already....
  15. Blaine

    For Anto

    There was a photo of 208 with them on Jonathan Allens old site
  16. Best Irish outline transfers available - not to mention reasonable prices for any special commissions you may need
  17. Your talent is with electronics, others might not have the talent or patience to do that, whereas they might with building scenery and models
  18. Not a great day for me, decent crowd, but not many willing to spend money it would seem. Ebay time......
  19. Blaine

    New IÉ logo...

    With a photo of a Translink owned loco crossing a bridge in Northern Ireland
  20. Never seen one back in the day, keep in the mind that back then the 071's were Top Link locos, so would have been well maintained and cared for back then
  21. Blaine

    New IÉ logo...

    Now that would be telling (thanks Mr Zuckerberg)
  22. Blaine

    New IÉ logo...

    European Numbers and old logos (for now)
  23. Blaine

    New IÉ logo...

    Good luck getting in!!
  24. Blaine

    New IÉ logo...

    Technically its still in use, given that its on the drivers console of the 071's on each side....
  25. That whole area is fenced off now sadly, due to it being used for 22k railcar storage, so you wont be able to get close to it sadly
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