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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. RAL2011 aka Volkswagen Brilliant Orange - if its an old guy behind the counter just say Beetle Orange and he will know what your after
  2. Might happen yet, Id be happy to see more 201's out of storage no matter what colour they are painted
  3. Was before that, but apart from one on the DCDR all the Seacows are no more
  4. Unless your a total purist, tortoise ones are a waste of money. Granted they are good, but if you want the points changed and dont mind it done at the same speed as clicking your fingers Peco ones are fine
  5. To keep costs down its better to fit them just to one wagon/coach in a rake - then detail the other end with brake pipes/tail lamps. If you have sharp curves/uneven track they are less reliable than the old tension locks though. Certainly not the be all and end all solution!
  6. Hopefully using the NEM height gauge
  7. The Model Railway Society of Ireland in association with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is proud to be hosting a Model Railway & Hobbies exhibition on August 24th & 25th 2013 at the offices of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council/Comhairle Chontae Dhún Laoghaire Ráth an Dúin, County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin. The Exhibition will be held in the main public gallery and will be open from 12:00pm to 5:00pm on Saturday & Sunday. With 24 Model layouts and Displays on show here's just a few that will be attending: O'Connell Street: This layout is a 4mm scale (1:76) representation of our premier street and its trams as it was in the last year of tramway operated in our capital city 1949. The buildings on the west side of the street have been modelled using ordnance survey maps and photographs of the period. The civic monuments including Nelsons Column “the pillar” grace the centre of the street. Many figures of people in the model including cyclists, horse transport and “internal combustion engine vehicles” sharing space with working trams, busses and trucks. LEGO: We hope again this year to see this fantastic display of Lego trains (in Irish liveries and others) & buildings by the members of Brick.ie & friends. Not one to miss. Mill Road Sidings: The North Down MRC. This is your chance to fest your skills at shunting. Town of two Brothers: This is a beautiful little N gauge (scale 1:148) layout owned by one the members of the M.R.S.I. Watch out for Thomas and Percy!.... Castlefinn: Built by one of our Members this OO9 gauge layout of Castlefinn, Co. Donegal (on the Donegal narrow gauge railway line). It shows Castlefinn as it would be today if it were reopened by a preservation society. Other Layouts/Displays Canal Street, New York - M.R.S.I. Member. Letterkenny - Donegal Heritage Railway Irish Railway Record Society - Selection of photographs of Irish railway history. We would also like to thank The South Dublin MRC, Wexford MRC, North Down MRC, 1st Bangor MRC and to all the privately owned layouts on display. The show is also well represented by the model trade (12 stands) including Marks Models, Michel Morris Card Kits, Sean Ryan Trains, R.N.L.I. memorabilia and many others with dolls housed to model cars. Also available to purchase from The M.R.S.I. club stand will be our exclusive 50th Anniversary OO gauge wagon from Dapol. The Model Railway Society of Ireland has a reputation of staging some of the best exhibitions for model railway enthusiasts in the country and ensures a pleasurable outing for all members of the family, representing exceptional value for money. Admission prices are: Adults € 5.00 Children: € 2.00 (free if accompanied by an adult) Floor plan:
  8. If they are Lima Mk2's you will need to cut the floor out where the coupling base goes, as the triangle piece on the coupler rubs on the axle of the coach otherwise and prevents curvature and running.
  9. Bit of it on ebay, if its secondhand buy a pack of spare guides/tyres
  10. Who is worse - who wrote it or who believes it??
  11. Another run to Kilkenny on 25th August http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events/#marblecity
  12. High insurance coupled with dwindling passenger numbers over the 4 tours that ran.... - unprofitable
  13. Its under overhaul at the moment, taking their time with it though
  14. No pity really - Lets just say, the tenant should not annoy the landlord.......
  15. You should not be whinging, makes all your ones wrapped in cotton wool just that little bit more valuable....
  16. Correct, the first mainline diesel to be officially preserved and paid for, not just 'put aside' like B103/113/4 were....
  17. Click on the RAIU's website to read the reports on the Irish incidents, rather than photos taken of the computer screen http://www.raiu.ie/
  18. You should have organised it all then - dont forget the funding and where to put the exhibits - given all 7 platforms are in regular usage.......
  19. Doubtful, have seen him at most exhibitions over the last few years
  20. Plenty of time for that around Lurgan this time next month
  21. Glad Im not the only person who sees it as a 5 minute gimmick! I also dont like how some manufacturers try selling DCC purely for the sound, when DCC has all its other advantages over analogue control, lights, individual control, no need for switching sections etc. Then theres the price!!
  22. Hopefully its just a small batch - but we had a 201 chip there too, and the small white sticker on the top had the same serial number - but I cant say if this number relates to the chip itself or what sounds/functions are programmed onto it
  23. Despite being labelled 071/111 both had 201 sounds loaded onto them - hopefully they are not all like this
  24. All the photos are good as they are scenes we will never see again
  25. Its not set in stone, but its certainly the impression I got. Model Railways is a career for some, and certainly not the dream career many would make it out to be I think every forum group goes through a period of natural evolution
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