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Everything posted by Sean

  1. I named that thread to my workbench
  2. you resurrected a 10 year old thread for this? Personally I found features i did not like in all of the commercially available options including the z21(price). so i haven gotten pretty deep into the world of DCC++ (not perfect either mind you). take a 17 euro arduino mega clone, a 5 euro wifi card and an arduino motor shield of which there are several different types starting at around a tenner (I like to spend a bit more for the official one but its not really needed) Theres also the DCC++ branded motor shield which was specifically designed for running model trains. a new or old laptop power brick with a filtered output.(filtered is important) wire that all together(no soldering) using provided diagrams and upload the software to the board from a pc using the provided installer. you now have a base station that can be controlled by pretty much any wifi throttle, or you can hardwire one in or use JMRI etc. to be super cheeky you can even drive it with the z21 app if you use JMRI - get the full z21 experience for a DIY price. Sounds kinda complicated but if you have ever built or upgraded a PC this kind of build would be no problem. Eventually all that morphed into me being tired of using a phone/tablet and craving a bit more analogue feeling controls so i constructed my own throttle, which was abit more complicated but also along the same lines as the actual base station build. Considering the price, I have been able to build 2 of these systems and have left one permanently connected to either layout, when i turn on my throttle it will simply ask me which layout i would like to connect to and i can run either layout from that point on.
  3. shouldnt it be in the list with all your completed orders and tagged as unpaid?
  4. try using addresspal for stuff like that and it should save a few bob. if its free uk postage you will only pay 6 euro to get it into ireland. Youll probabaly have to pay the tax man another 6 or 7 euro ontop of that too but its usually a pretty quick service.
  5. You should be able to get the peco one along with a few others from marks models. failing that, the UK situation is still tolerable if you use a service like addresspal.
  6. That was quick!
  7. https://irishrailwaymodels.com/blogs/announcements/orange-is-the-new-black-iconic-mark-2b-and-2c-coaches-announced http://www.railfaneurope.net/pix/ie/car/IE/Mk2/pix.html
  8. What DJ said. These coaches differed from most(all?) of the other stock on the irish network in that they were air braked rather than vacuumed and this meant upon their refurbishment there was no available brake van to make up the set, so three dutch vans were specifically rebuilt to airbrake spec to suit these coaches. This also means they could not run with A class and were exclusively run with GM power.
  9. Thats what she said?
  10. I like to think we are slowly rolling into an era where there are enough simultaneous releases that we wont possibly be able to buy all of the upcoming irish stuff as there will just be too much. Thats only a good thing though, except for the anorak collectors like @DJ Dangerous who buy 10-50 of every new irish release . for me it would help me consolidate my interests and stick more to releases suitable to around my own era of modelling, I have one or 2 steamers here, but its not my area of interest so they dont see much use and i wouldnt be queueing up to buy a new release in that department. id much rather spend the money on a C class i think if both released together
  11. bitch that bus is prototypical to the scene so it doesnt count for a slagging
  12. Once i had the benchwork done and the track laid I decided to take a step away for a few months both because the weather was getting a bit too warm to be in the loft and because i wanted to digest what i had done and make further plans before going gung ho into building everything there and then. a few small notable things have happened. got a hape of platforms second hand for a very good price, allowing me to construct a full sized platform plus a shorter platform for the other side without breaking the bank. The super quick stuff is cheap and really suits the aesthetic that i am going for so i have had a few buildings slowly coming together, This is a combination of the superquick market house and 2 of the country shop kits. cop shop, this is on the layout now, will take more pics and update again when i am adding the above "main street" piece onto the layout, essentially these few buildings will make up the bulk of the towny stuff on the layout but i still have a few more to make.
  13. Heres a selection of photos taken at the end of august after adding foliage to the layout which i never got around to uploading, Should have added these before now as the green seemed to really add a lot to the overall look and feel of things. This week loose coupled goods have made a guest appearance.
  14. ya i want more as well
  15. I guess ye better tool one quickly so
  16. Arent they on the ballast chassis?
  17. Still need to add steps and brake shoes but she all went together without too much fuss except for the waterslide decals which I had never used before. I shall have to bug Leslie for another set the next time he is on Irish soil Overall a lovely wee van.
  18. https://www.electronicbeats.net/the-feed/techno-festival-train/ Seems they are regular thing in Germany LOL! Theres also seems to be some sort of Rammsteiny Heavy metal Steam train. "The 69 EC Service techno train on platform APNV to climax city" CHOO! CHOO! CHOO! CHOO! CHOO! CHOO! CHOO!
  19. ravetrain.mp4 In Germany, there is a completely functional train that has been converted into a Techno club. I wonder if we could recreate somthing like this on an ICR based railtour? hey @murphaph , Do you know anything about these particular trains?
  20. Getting through my first provincial wagon kit today! Another happy customer @leslie10646
  21. Sean

    Murphy Models Mk2d

    Oof, I actually thought they looked very bright myself but assumed it was just me, reminded me of a particular custom vespa that has been on the scene going back years and years. I would say too red rather than too yellow, almost a little dayglo looking. maybe its how they looked new versus a few years in service or maybe its just me remembering them wrong. the above posted shots did not look as intensely coloured as the samples that were on display yesterday. a definite noticeable difference from other runs of intercity coaches.
  22. got some today as well as a brake van kit, they are beaut's pics to follow
  23. Sean

    Marks Models NCC Jinty

    I get what you are saying but I was actually crying out for that type of model a couple of years back when i was coming back into things so from that regard it should entice people back. it has to be priced properly though and not inflated because of its irishness, thats the only thing i would consider to be essential.
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