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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. Tank wagons carried petroleum products for Irish BP/Irish Shell. Perhaps tar/bitumen as well. Petrol was taken into Cork Capwell by train for the buses before the rails were lifted. No milk tank wagons as far as I know. Milk traffic was taken in churns. https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/19679374_10154472857555518_6257775770344332206_o.jpg?oh=68d61c1e00f24a99ded4fd845ace589a&oe=59C55A20 https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/19780406_10154472857525518_8808116909148472446_o.jpg?oh=a9b411e1b1294a465ac1ceb633bcaa5a&oe=5A050973 https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/19800834_10154472857655518_6211736408334363390_o.jpg?oh=4e02463317ac00e138f2d86701611b48&oe=5A0101D0 https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19657329_10154472857520518_1137165526766865400_n.jpg?oh=125b808b1fcfdea6415943dad14bb207&oe=5A0FD9C9 https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19748406_10154472857715518_1766130273810708941_n.jpg?oh=9e91ea9ce6c0f69018faed522ade647e&oe=59D12ADA https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19748718_10154472857795518_9066970399742709856_n.jpg?oh=eb155970f7aec40dda4ac0ca8b9ebcab&oe=5A049581
  2. The ladder and cut-out on the tender from oil-firing conversion days. Think the original smokebox doors got replaced with GSR standard ones after a short time. Also too many lamp irons.
  3. Did they get withdrawn not long after '25 like a share of DSER locos, with being clapped out or written off during the Civil War?
  4. Greenways are easy. A preserved line involves hard, sustained work that people here haven't the interest or inclination to do.
  5. The by-now obligatory greenway group is already eyeing it up.
  6. Well, they've raised the target sum of money, fair play. I would agree that it is a very out-of-the-way place, unless someone there is running some specialist tour of the movie sites (possibly bundled with other attractions) or pay for its upkeep by other means, I don't see how it would attract a lot of visitors.
  7. That would make more sense, they had all the tooling and patterns for bus bodies. Why not make a body in the new instead of attempting to butcher and re-use the body of a battered old bus which was life expired anyway?
  8. I thought it was the practice to strip a closed station of anything that could possibly be re-used or sold, esp. signalling gear, apart from a few anomalies, i.e. 'mothballed' lines or places still in railway ownership?
  9. I realise there's a number of new builds up and running or in planning stages in the uk. I was referring to the situ here.
  10. A replica loco etc. would be pie-in-the-sky stuff.
  11. Or built heritage in general, 100's of towns and villages up and down the country have historic great houses, castles etc. etc. simply crumbling away and falling down. Clearly everything can't be preserved, but people here are far more interested in other things.
  12. The Harry Potter "Best Concealed Platform" Award?
  13. (no, not the Vauxhall car) https://i0.wp.com/briansolomon.com/trackingthelight/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Irish_Rail_Colbert_Station_Limerick_P1580994.jpg?resize=474%2C710 This cast metal Wyvern (heraldic dragon type thing) is attached to the wall at Colbert. But what is it doing there? It's very like to old pre-grouping Midland Railway of England device but there's no connection there. And iirc the Midland one didn't have any legs. From the looks of the holes at the bottom, it might have held a plaque that's now missing. Anyone any ideas?
  14. Carrigaline, presumably also filled in but still down there?
  15. I have a GSR appendix to the wtt which has every crossing listed from back then but obvs. no modern codes or post 1935 LCs
  16. Nothing much standard, apart from examples like the polychrome GNR brick. Large companies like the GS&W made up of a hodge podge of smaller companies of varying means, constructing buildings at different times and going to different contractors and architects. Some GSWR branches do have buildings, not really identical, but variations on a theme, say on the Kerry Road. The GSR did do a line of signal cabins with a family resemblance though.
  17. This might have a good chance of success if it could milk the sentiments of the Irish American community, but much like the Irish themselves it may be all well meaning idle chatter with little opening of purse strings. Basically the "someone should do something" attitude. If it was GAA or Tidy Towns there would be no shortage of volunteers and people willing to roll up sleeves or throw money in the pot. ..but railways...not so much. As an aside, one of the main locations in the movie, the cottage, is still in a ruined state after years of attempts at restoration and (typically) a legal squabble over ownership, all the while sightseers have been helping themselves to stones and other materials from it.
  18. Think white painted lamps were only carried for enthusiasts' specials and publicity photos.
  19. Isn't 184 carrying plates up in Whitehead? Assume there were recast and not the 1880 originals?
  20. It's NCC 90, not GS&WR 90. Red background. No 'GS&WR' or 'Inchicore Works' wording. But even the plate GS&W 90 wore in Mallow was not the original, a re-casting by Inchicore before she was 'stuffed and mounted' I would wager. 90 went for a long time in black/grey and painted-on numerals so the original plate would have been tipped into the melting pot along with the others.
  21. Auctioneers are a bit clueless; something painted on steel described as 'enamel', wagon plates as 'loco number plates', one loco plate appears to have been photographed and described upside down...
  22. Try placing an ad on the 'Exchange Sidings' here. https://www.signalbox.org/
  23. I have a notion the other might be in that Tales of the Permanent Way book.
  24. I've seen 2 photos of the GSR broad gauge ones, one in the Locomotives of the GSR book, and another of one at somewhere like Sallins or Monasterevin...brain may kick in as to what book that was in...
  25. Are stocks of parts still available for them? In steam locos most wearing parts can be renewed with fairly basic technology so you don't have to rely on the original builders for bits who in any case may have ceased to be decades ago.
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