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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. I *think* I saw a pic of one with a bufferbeam number somewhere, perhaps one of the Tuam ones, will have to check.
  2. Sorry, can't resist. This is actually in Co Sligo. Further examples, with commentary, can be found in Mc Mansion Hell (Irish Edition)
  3. Anyone model a modern era McMansion yet? Some things unique or different to those found in Britain; schools and churches esp the faintly Art Deco 30s and 40s built ones, many still in use now. Vanishing or in declining numbers; combined grocery store/pub and/or hardware store. Combined small grocery store/filling station. Thatched or tin roofed dwellings or shops, think there may be some regional variations of thatched house. In country areas; Marian grottoes, graveyards with high crosses/tombs, ruined castles and 'big houses' with accompanying high walls and gate lodges. Ring forts, Megalithic monuments. Creamery buildings, many disused or repurposed now. 70s bungalows, traditional two story farm dwellings and the maligned McMansion.
  4. Good find. The Cork tram is noted as an 00 gauge kit, but they were a strange gauge of 2 ' 11 7⁄16 " in reality to allow 3" gauge stock from the Muskerry and the Passage railways to run over the tramway system, which never actually happened in the end.
  5. Disappointed, but not surprised, unenlightened Ireland being what it is. One train set (sic.) is as good as the next it seems. From the post above it looks like it's going to be a new fangled "Interpretive Centre" rather than the Fry Model Railway we knew.
  6. They carried the GSWR type doors that opened in two halves, the more usual doors with 'dart' opening handles and the typical GSR/CIE smokebox wheel so there's a few varieties. Wasn't 184 painted in an interpretation of GSWR lined green complete with cast numberplates when still on CIEs books?
  7. Found a few more images online and they all either have '40' or '25' so must be a long service badge. The railways here didn't have those as far as I know but CIE bus drivers did get small star shaped ones for 10, 15, 25 years safe driving.
  8. If German, the Crown would mean it's one of the old pre Deutsche Reichsbahn companies. Could be Royal Bavarian State Railway or something. Don't think it's 40 years service, 40 may be just the staff id number. The model loco appears to be carrying the old SNCB livery and logo.
  9. These are journalists. They refer to diesel hauled trains as 'choo-choos'.
  10. Yes it is an untitled GWR gate sign. Oddly enough, CIE produced an enamelled gate sign in the 50s quoting the very same Victorian Act of Parliament...in English AND Irish. Just because it mentions an Act from a certain year doesn't mean it dates from that time.
  11. Midland Railway (of England)
  12. A retired railwayman, gone to his reward years ago, told me that the men sent out to paint the signs weren't given small brushes to paint the letters. They dipped their thumbs into the paint and painted them that way.
  13. Rusty isn't a million miles away from a Bord na Mona jobbie.
  14. Some interesting platform furniture; two "what the butler saw" Mutoscope machines, a vending machine for sweetmeats...presumably confectionary and what looks like a machine for stamping souvenir name tags.
  15. Identical to wagon plate, just GSWR (running no) INCHICORE WORKS. A pretty good broadside photo of one in original condition in the Murray / Mc Neil GSWR book.
  16. Watched this tonight. What appears to be presumably an early MGWR 2-2-2 and train is shown for a half a minute, with a fully enclosed cab rather than the expected simple backplate (or nothing at all) All computer generated of course. Set in Connemara, so a bit of artistic licence there too, the railway not having got to those parts until much later.
  17. I see that some of these 'keen cyclists' aren't at all bothered about our greenhouse emissions (which we will get hammered by the EU over, make no mistake) and consigning to history something that can reduce the numbers of cars and heavy lorries off the roads.
  18. Why can't it be both? Why is it always either/or?
  19. Have never seen a curved one anywhere. Maybe with some visual trickery you could get away with making a smaller straight one that fits?
  20. The de-roofed six wheelers used for turf traffic. Did these retain their (presumably well weathered) passenger livery or were they re-painted grey? When did they cease using them?
  21. Eastern end of Waterford. Where the car park is wedged in.
  22. There's an actual loco oil tank in a very public place somewhere in an Irish Rail station, if you know where to look! Painted grey and barely noticeable, last time I saw it.
  23. Beyer Peacock sold near identical locos to the L&SWR and another batch were sold to Swedish railways.
  24. A Last Look at Ireland’s Disappearing Storefronts On a narrow street in the town of Wexford, in the southeast of Ireland, is B. Corcoran, a men’s clothing store. It’s been in operation since 1956, a fact which is evident from its storefront: above a painted olive green exterior, a wedge-shaped sign spells out “B. Corcoran Ltd.” in burgundy scripted lettering. Storefronts such as this one are a visual treasure for the graphic designer Trevor Finnegan. For the past eight years, in his spare time, he’s been exploring and photographing traditional Irish stores all over the country. The ongoing project is a way to document an important part of Ireland’s visual traditions and crafts, says Finnegan. “Their unique design style and the typographic styles really appeal to me,” he explains. “They are the face of local business and the give a real sense of friendliness that you find in these types of places here in Ireland.” https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/photos-of-shops-in-ireland?utm_source=Atlas+Obscura+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=e2d22d8aa7-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_04_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f36db9c480-e2d22d8aa7-64330117&ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_3_30_2018)&mc_cid=e2d22d8aa7&mc_eid=1ab2d0b412
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  25. The originals came with Yankee chime whistles, they were replaced with normal Irish/British whistles after a short time as they annoyed locals around Albert Quay too much. Why the very short working life? Surely they can't have worn out?
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