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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. It's in the same style as the numbering on the AEC's in B n T days, were they numbered in any other place other than the front? The plate appears to be too small to have been cut from the aluminium at the front of the cab. I would have expected to see traces of the old green paint, unless they were re-sheeted at some stage? Looks like a bodge job done to repair something, a primitive means of renumbering or block a hole I imagine, and then fell off? A lot of re-use of old material went on before, a contact of mine found the GSR enamel nameboard of Athlone, but was gutted when it turned out to be just one half of it. It had been cut in two to block a hole up in something. Saw an old BOVRIL sign once that had been made into a backplate for a pot belly stove with a hole cut through it for the flue.
  2. Joe Public would have to be exceptionally stupid to mistake a train for a postal van,
  3. It's just ok. I can see confusion with DARTs with Joe Public. The darker green makes it appear a little dull. A band or bands of a lighter colour would give it a bit of a lift.
  4. I would be inclined to think restoring it to its GNR state would be more appropriate, instead of guessing what liveries it may have carried without some sort of an example or illustration to work from.
  5. Are there any flakes of old paint on 33?
  6. Is it? I'm exposed to so much sarcasm I can't tell if anyone's for real anymore.
  7. Already out of date, now that some bright spark has decided that a change of corporate image would be a good idea.
  8. Just goes to show, if it aint broke....
  9. It was, a sort of blood and custard scheme with 'whiskers'.
  10. A LC gate target, but colours are the reverse of what you'd expect.
  11. There was model of Hibernia made a long time ago by someone whose bag was early locos. Saw it on a Railway Modeller, think it was around the 1980's and was in 4mm scale.
  12. Private afaik. The remains of what once was Westrail.
  13. Just compare IE to Bus Eireann. BE buses have carried a variation on the red/white scheme down through the years and the logo, albeit in imitation of Greyhound, has hardly changed at all bar updating the fonts. Still looks good.
  14. +1000 on this. There's been a lot of woolly-minded mucking about with logos, corporate images and colour schemes. The flag logo was (almost) universally panned on various forums. The navy/white/snot green railcar livery had to be the worst example of an awful colour scheme,reminiscent of something a budget airliner would carry. I wouldn't mind the DARTS so much, at least they're easily identifiable, looks reasonably well and it's a strong brand name.
  15. Also the GSWR had two pay carriages named Fairy and Sprite, I'm pretty sure they got held up and raided at different times during the Civil War.
  16. There was, at one time...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sallins_Train_Robbery
  17. Not too bad, 5 quid less than DC for body/chassis only.
  18. It's not a major gripe, it can be corrected with some bodging, but might as well do it right as wrong when sold as a RTR. Would want to be on a par price-wise with other resin G if I were to purchase it as a kit, that is if it's powered by the same unit.
  19. There's no grille (under worksplate) at the front of the bonnet in the older G's. Also that raised area on top of the bonnet doesn't seem to feature? http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20B/Belmont/slides/Belmont_19600909_001_CC_JA.jpg
  20. The roads of 1940's Ireland would be less forgiving to the older vehicle. Older vehicles back then tended to have shorter working lives than nowadays.
  21. My uncle has an Austin 7 saloon just like the one in front of the garage. I suppose it's safe to assume people could have held onto a car dating from the 30's into the late 40's.
  22. One of the C&LR 4-4-0Ts. Pic is in recent GSR pictorial book.
  23. you in the blue hoodie you are trespassing on private property, leave this area immeeeediately!
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