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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. RMS Olympic as HMT Olympic in dazzle colours. Near identical sister ship of the better known Titanic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Olympic#mediaviewer/File:Olympic_WWI.jpg Gives an impression of what the Titanic might have looked if it dodged the iceberg, made it to New York and served in WW1.
  2. Interesting that bankrupt and even developing countries have better transport museums than we have.
  3. One of the coaches looks to be in middling condition, pity the damp got at the rest. I'd say most of it would be of use to guys looking for spares, or to repaint, but repainted stuff doesn't have anywhere near the value of an untouched example.
  4. Hardly a contest of equals there, express passenger loco vs. loco designed for goods work. No 4 vs. Merlin would be more interesting, in a hypothetical Top Gear type challenge.
  5. 'C202' aka C227, the loco that just refuses to die. Whether that's a good or a bad thing is a matter of personal opinion....
  6. Originally Posted by Dierdre Power ...is premised on the need for social change by promoting dialogue between public agencies and citizens. The work engages with the complexities of spatial planning and development, working towards an understanding how we use and live in social space.... What? I still don't get it.
  7. Quite the oddest premise for a railtour yet, but if it brings in a bit of business...how bad?
  8. Think you may be confusing the Duke of Devonshire (Cavendish) with the Duke of Sutherland (Leveson-Gower). Two different families. The 1st Duke of Sutherland was infamously connected with the Highland Clearances, the 3rd Duke had interests in local Railway companies, operated and subsequently absorbed by the Highland Rly...and the private station and private loco 'Dunrobin' still exist. Since Devonshire was main shareholder and chairman, seems reasonable to think he should get his moneys worth, ie a station building matching his ancestral pile.
  9. The Aussies had something called a FRED (Field Ration Eating Device) more popularly called by the Diggers the 'F**king Ridiculous Eating Device'.
  10. Slightly OT but anyone remember the name of an RTE programme dealing with Irish architecture, maybe screened about 15-20 years ago, there was an episode featuring the 1939 World's Fair Irish Pavilion by Michael Scott? There was an earlier series dealing with mainly Irish church architecture even further back.
  11. Some West Cork locations got red/cream shortly before CIE called it a day. The 70's / 80's a lot of places were plastered in acres of depressing grey with windows picked out in white.
  12. ITL was certainly better than RTE's more recent offerings of a railway nature. The theme tune sung by the late Ronnie Drew with just about every railway cliche in the world was the one thing that stuck in my craw.
  13. CIE and IR had Railway Police, but they were more glorified security guards for Inchicore etc. Think network is a bit small for a dedicated force, targetting 'troublesome' services with privarte security is prob best that can be done with limited resources.
  14. I hear you. Whoever thought these yokes would somehow pass for Irish outline was definitely on illegal substances. My 9 y/o former self would have turned his nose up at these atrocities...there's some things only a mother (or a collector) could love.
  15. Must be part of the 0.00001% of the male population that is immune to World Cup fever. Makes for awkward pub chat, esp since I can't discuss the goal that zsa zsa gabor scored for Tanganika.
  16. Very much doubt IE would be up for the idea of public access to any part of the works. Best of luck to all involved, I'm rather too far away to be of much use.
  17. The first building looks a bit L&LSR with a dash of GNRI, the style of the porch sticks out like a sore thumb I think.
  18. Who thought a bus could be so, well, flammable?
  19. Get a spare body and go painting/chopping that instead? That way you can always shift it on if circumstances change.
  20. Enough of all this modern schtuff. Music went downhill after WW2 imho.
  21. Both started life as WL&WR Robinson locos (named Derry Castle/Lough Derg)....not sure about converting to DSER locos, far more bodging to be done around tanks and look less graceful to my eye than the L&Y/WL&WR ones. On the con side, there were only 2 and didn't survive into CIE days.
  22. Either GSR class 267 or 491. Even though they were sisters, the GSR put them in two different classes.
  23. Or Cork & Macroom Direct.
  24. Well? http://www.mremag.com/sites/10/images/article_images_month/2013-03/bb25a.jpg http://www.spellerweb.net/rhindex/Ireland/GreatSouthern/LoughDerg.jpg
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