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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Tour de France route revealed - http://letour.yorkshire.com/stage-1 .
  2. Could this be it - https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=mullinavat&ll=52.331297,-7.160318&spn=0.001447,0.002411&hnear=Mullinvat,+County+Kilkenny,+Ireland&t=h&z=19 ? Can't see over the hedge in Street View...
  3. Might be worth showing the skyboard on the plan view, just to remove any ambiguity, even though it's fairly obvious and everybody thinks in third-angle these days.
  4. Get down the hurling field and try this.. ..but, remember to take the cross-bar off..
  5. Broithe

    MK3 Scrapping

    Got one in freight livery...?
  6. Broithe

    Old CIE ads

    My uncle still went up to 'Marabro' into the 80s...
  7. Excellent stuff - love the 'electric flash' at 14:17..
  8. In the blue box - that's what cordless drills used to look like..
  9. Broithe

    MK3 Scrapping

    Now, if we could only persuade the graffiti boys to do that to a real one....
  10. Excellent - makes a change from the usual station announcements..
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKsGKERivTQ
  12. Fremo gone mad - http://wiki.gbbkolejka.pl/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=110 - via All Scale Models on Facebook.
  13. I've just had to look that up in http://www.euphemismdictionary.com ...
  14. Can be bent down to 50 times the thickness, apparently - so no problem.. http://tradeessentials.thelaminexgroup.com.au/uploads/tech-info/Craftwood_Tradesman's_Essential_Guide.pdf
  15. I recently saw some multi-slotted MDF in B&Q, that would take a really nice curve.. ..though, hardboard would be OK, too..
  16. It never fails to amaze me how such a small 'organisation' can almost always have 'boots on the ground' - as they say these days. Well done to all. The Stasi couldn't have kept such a close eye on events as our operatives do. Great stuff.!
  17. No, my fault, I could have written it a lot less ambiguously. It does read like I was questioning "why bother with doing that..!!"
  18. Ah, what I meant was - shouldn't you specify the colour for each rail, rather than just the pair of colours for each track? You could end up with one of the inside track's rails being black on one layout and red on the next... etc. As this ..? red black --------- blue yellow --------- The Sea. Or some such arrangement....
  19. Do you need to specify which rail is which colour? I would assume that 'outside' means 'nearest the sea'..?
  20. You would get away with a two-coach today - Irish Rail on Twitter - "DART capacity reduced due to driver issue this morning peak: mostly 4-carriage DARTs, with some 2-cars, apologies: "
  21. Of course, it doesn't have to be an either/or thing - some people might want to purchase full baseboards, but some might just want the end-plates to fit to their own boards, etc... All that really matters is that the inter-board connections are reliably compatible. If people are going to produce their own boards, then the height off the floor needs to be clearly specified and adhered to.
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