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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExH7h9Lk5HY
  2. I live in Stafford and one of it's claims to fame is the station announcement stating that "The train now standing at Platform Three is the mystery excursion to Barry Island"..
  3. And so will I be next Tuesday night, see you Thursday or Friday, probably..
  4. Anybody going to this? http://www.irishrail.ie/cat_news.jsp?i=4628&p=116&n=237
  5. Broithe

    Dapol signals.

    Have people noticed Dapol's new signals? http://www.dapol.co.uk/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=114&Itemid=59&vmcchk=1&Itemid=59 - fully assembled, motorised and lit - drill a hole, drop it in, do up the nut and wire it up - off you go. £25 might look a lot, but it wouldn't be too cheap to do all that yourself..
  6. It was Dave, here - http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/373-I-m-new!
  7. Chess-Boxing..? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7ZwMVLMezI
  8. I was going past a local school last year when there was some after-school football training on, including one girl of about nine. She took down a lad twice her size with a (legal) sliding tackle that would have made Norman Hunter wince. If she'd come at me, I would have just let her have the ball....
  9. Footballers do get testing for various drugs - if they can remember... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/3333091.stm
  10. Available as spares - http://www.ehattons.com/33075/Bachmann_UK_36_062_Branchline_Class_150_Drawbars_x4_/StockDetail.aspx
  11. I'm glad you got sorted out - but I was really looking forward to your Irish layout. Good luck with the trams - and do let us see what happens...
  12. That looks easy enough to model for prototypical authenticity.
  13. If we played our banks off against theirs then it might be a fair contest...
  14. The stop for the old goods siding at Ballybrophy never got upgraded with the rest of the station - Then it was disconnected from the rest of the track a few years ago.. I wonder how old that piece of wood is?
  15. I've put this up before - and I'll put it up again, no doubt..
  16. Most of Frederick Forsyth's humourous short story Sharp Practice takes place on a Heuston to Tralee train.. Although they didn't seem able to find a suitably accurate picture for the cover..
  17. B&Q-people might understand better if you call it a laminate cutter, there is a suitable blade for a Stanley knife, but they're rare to find. You can make your own, it's just a matter of ploughing a v-shaped groove. Olfa stuff tends to be found in art shops. Perspex will plane with a very fine setting, to chamfer the corners, and then a little rub down will prevent excessive laceration...
  18. If you can find one of these Olfa cutters they are very useful for grooving plastic sheeting prior to snapping along the line to break them. You pull it along to 'plough' a groove in the plastic. They're also useful for grooving to represent planking, etc..
  19. I should mention that it's worth spending some time on the finish of the top edge - if you don't want pools of blood as significant elements of the landscaping..
  20. The stuff in the pictures was cut to size, but it's fairly easy stuff to cut yourself - either by a jigsaw, circular saw - or by scoring and snapping like glass, if it's a straight cut. Leave the protective film on until the last moment before you fit it. It was 3mm, I think. Ask for polymethylmethacrylate if you want to seem really knowledgeable..
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