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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Yes - it was one of his little-publicised, free, open-air concerts - this is one of the few boot-leg videos available..
  2. Broithe


    I should be going to this one - http://www.mmrg.org.uk/ - probably on the Saturday. Tip me off if you're likely to be there, by any chance. It's usually a good one, I've been for the last two years and not been disappointed..
  3. Draw the line if she calls you a 'nerd'.... [video=youtube;M6Uq6H-Yhp0]
  4. Typical postman - a day late....
  5. Seems to work - even for me.. Ta.
  6. A picture paint a thousand words - as Telly Savalas once said. But, I can't see how to introduce an avatar - I do find it easier to recognise people that way, up to a point..
  7. Hope you have a lovely time - stay off the cider.....
  8. Right - you use the little 'picture of a tree' icon for that - to the left of the film strip..
  9. If I've done this right, then it will show you how easy it is to embed a video here - even I can do it!!.. Just click on the little 'film strip' icon in the menu above and copy in the URL of the video that you want to show - simple.. Now, let's see if it worked. There you go!!..
  10. The Mother-In-Law is more to be feared.
  11. I thought that I'd better do it whilst I was awake...
  12. New paint everywhere - let's hope we get no graffiti on the walls....
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