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Everything posted by CFD

  1. My first introduction to trains was the Lego 171 train set. Myself and my brother got a set each for Christmas back in the late 70's. I still have both sets complete with original boxes. The Shell wagons and set sets of points were later birthday additions...!
  2. I am probably not going to join the line for an EV just yet....the newest car I own is 1982....this 1952 one is the one I use most.....
  3. I need some Cravens....
  4. Fantastic Dave....! I've smashed that "Like" button, hit the subscribe button, and clicked the bell to make sure I receive all future notifications...!!
  5. Yes, this was also my question earlier on in the thread as these would be top of my list....be interesting to see how interest might be measured...
  6. This is great news. Regarding the statement on the Cavens (as I would bag a load of these) - that their production will be subject to enough interest to make it economically viable.....how will this interest actually be measured to determine if it's viable to do another run?
  7. ...and where is the unboxing video???
  8. Looking good Dave!! Nice selection of containers there!
  9. Good survey.....even if I did have to google most of the lists to see exactly what they were...!!
  10. Definitely. Would be great to have a high quality steam locomotive from IRM on the layout.... I did start into the hobby when I was given a large collection of old British DC steam locos and rolling stock, including the collection of Hornby Live Steam.....however, all was consigned to the shelves when I discovered IRM....so similar to what has been said already, whats there at the moment is all diesel, but an Irish steam loco would be a welcome addition. I am a firm follower of Rule 1....
  11. PM working 0.5 time with IRM to transition MM business into IRM for future production?
  12. Nice video and setup Noel.
  13. https://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=155&product_id=956
  14. Ballast Hopper Wagon Set 3 for sale €120 Located in north Co.Dublin
  15. Orange Cement Bubble Set F for sale. €120 Located in North Co. Dublin.
  16. ...no ......helpful Dave?.....
  17. Its going through the global shipping scheme - so will cross the Irish sea twice before its gets down here should anyone here buy it.....
  18. Clearly not if the engine (sounds) starts up.....do pay attention Dave....
  19. Will do!! .....on the provision you let me stay and play for 5 hours....!!
  20. Was next door to the Hyde building today myself. Considered popping in to say hello, but had dropped in just after the move to collect some ploughs and Tara's, and decided against disturbing the lads again. Nice bit of space there. Will drop in again some time when it's all set up....
  21. How many did you buy Dave? £266 = €308 + €29 postage So on a DCC circuit approaching €400 to run one with a non sound decoder....€500 to run with sound....
  22. CFD

    irm bubbles

    I have an extra Orange Pack F that I would swop for a Pack A if you want to drop me a message Railer...
  23. Thanks Paddy...Will check them out.
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