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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Popeye, you're welcome! I just hadn't the time, I did the other with Photoshop but just posted the last two straight from the scan of the slide. When I started taking photographs seriously in the mid 1980s, I used two Rolleiflex cameras for all my B&W work and a Nikon FM2 for colour slides.
  2. Ordered 12xlengths of Peco Code 75 streamline flexi this morning to get started again in earnest. Until I find a much desired UG Class 0-6-0 this Un-used and Boxed Airfix 4F 0-6-0 loco will keep me occupied - not bad for £35.
  3. If I raise my trackbed to form an embankment, does this rule out the use of wire and tube manual point control since the embankments are facing me and I need to control them from the same side. Do I have to use point motors in that case?
  4. David, I have just ordered 12 lengths of Code 75 00 from TrackShack and their on line system allowed me to place my order with a postage charge of £4. If they can do it at this sort of price, I'm pleased with this. I bought this to get started and when I've taken a measurement of how much more I need, I'll be in Glasgow around 15th March so can find a shop there myself. Thanks.
  5. Noel, Looks pretty close to what I'm trying to achieve. Whats the overall width of that section of track? David, If I went for Code 75 it means an £8 courier charge for boxes for flexi. I can get Code 100 locally. I used it in the past and never had any issues with it.
  6. Noel, it wasn't that Peco needs more space, it is the availability of pointwork. On smooth flowing curves I found it hard to find a point to give me the sidings or crossover I required. So at every instance I had to compromise the curve slightly. I do agree totally with the argument here on 21mm vs. 00 - maybe I'm only day dreaming, again.
  7. Dave, absolutely amazing. I think you have made your 'point' here and it truly is remarkable what you have done. I take my hat off to you.
  8. John, when I set out my layout plan with the aid of a trammel and curving templates I couldn't get a single Peco point to work into my plan and at every stage had to compromise with their pointwork. In the end it changed the shape of the layout plan, so I gave up. Do you use Templot to assist you with your plan or just pencil drawings?
  9. I just couldn't spend a couple of hundred quid on Peco 00 pointwork.
  10. Everything is on hold at the moment.......... I just can't bring myself to move any further without seriously trying 21mm Irish broad gauge. Today I looked at the possibility of starting work on some 21mm track for an end to end shunting layout. I just don't want to buy Peco Code 75 streamline and start fixing it on my baseboards. Theres a challenge and real excitement about 21mm and I'm moving in that direction.
  11. Just a couple, thanks......... I am sorry, I really don't remember. If not Adelaide, it may have been one of many days Norman Johnston took me to various locations with him for the run. I had the camera, he had the 'trainspotters notebook'.
  12. I was going through my slides last night and came across a visit to Derry by Slieve Gullion on 12th April 1992 which was described as a 'running in after an overhaul'. I have included a few shots, a very grey day I might add. I managed to get a shot of the NIR local train arriving the same morning. Among the same batch of slides was this Brake Van. Obviously taken in Belfast and all I remember about that period was visiting Adelaide yard to take some pictures as being asked to leave as I had two young sons with me and they were concerned about their safety. Can anyone confirm if it is Adelaide, you can see H&W crane in background.
  13. Thanks for posting Nelson, looks really good.
  14. Jonathan, its a case of having to make sacrifices. In the absence of anything else of this era, apart from OO Works, I'm not going to be tied to 'Irish only', otherwise I'd have nothing. Are there any other acceptable locos that are close?
  15. I bought this mint/un-used 0-6-0 today off eBay for £34. Thought it was similar to a GNRi UG or SG class. Could make an interesting workshop project later.
  16. Some track positioning going on today. Peco points are a nightmare. I wish there was a curved radius point that was a little less of a radius than whats available.
  17. So glad you posted this Paul, its just as it was in Omagh.
  18. Thought before bedtime....... We’re fans and followers of Irish Railway and we’re laying OO track. This is wrong, a little bit of effort can change this!
  19. Jonathan, this makes fascinating reading - same year I was born too! I really am grateful, thank you so much.
  20. And maybe someday we'll see some GNRi rolling stock too
  21. Fran, that makes sense and I really do wish you luck with it, it looks great.
  22. I don't intend to be negative here but I have just paid £120 for a Set of Three Irish Rail Ballast Wagons from IRM. How is it that three BR wagons are priced at £59.95. Maybe I missed something but IRM = accurascale
  23. Looks amazing, exciting prospect!
  24. I built a model of Omagh GNRi Station in 1990 - 6'x2' - static model. It was purchased by the new Library when it opened in Omagh for £3500. That same year I built a model of the Fintona Horse Tram- the materials cost me £42. The Transport Museum Cultra bought it for £900. Now I just don't have the eyesight nor the patience to build anything. I do hope that I will though..........
  25. Has anyone ever come to the stage where they have their baseboards in place, layout at the final stages of setting out in pencil when you take cold feet? Is this the right time to stop and take a break..........
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