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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Cooke Model Railway and Model Vehicle Fair. at Church Hall of Cooke Centenary Church, Park Road, Belfast
  2. About 30 layouts attend included amongst the Irish layouts will be Tony Raggs 'Octavia Hill' layout depicting the Great Northern Railway Clones and Portadown depots, 'Fenaghy Junction' from the Northern Counties group, and a working Lego model of Lisburn train station. No trade stand at Cultra . But Many trade stands attend Cooke MRC Railway and model Vehicle Fair in Belfast 19th November 2022. I was last visit last June and lots of trains most British modelling but few Irish stock. https://allevents.in/belfast/cooke-mrc-railway-and-model-vehicle-fair/200023006725915
  3. I have text from chairman - Due to death of Queen , The show will be push back to 3rd December 2022.
  4. BBC Link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-62742919
  5. PM sent.
  6. Erne Model railway Club annual exhibition and fair. Date/time - Saturday 3rd December 2022. Opening time 10.00-17.00. Venus - St Macartin's cathedral Hall, Hall lane, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh BT74.
  7. Modellers Corner, Enniskillen Model shop still have two version grey in stock.
  8. Found some on youtube. video by ColinM Video by Rule 1 model railway
  9. The site show some out of stock but still in stock in shop as i visit last week - all in stock i count up to 11 version if i am right But no black version 121 (already sold). I notice Rennicks modelture of Portadown still have 121s in stock but quite low stock.
  10. I start collection of marklin collection form 2003, I hear about MM Lima irish models 201 plus coaches but no high details models (it look like railroad models). I also collection of too many boxed of old train set from 1950s Dublo to 1990s hornby in the loft. I was luck got unboxed 1976 hornby irish hymek with two mk2 coaches at cheaper price from local antique fairs.
  11. Was at club meeting last week after no meeting for two years due to COVID. The Enniskillen show now planning this year - Saturday 17th September 2022.
  12. North Down MRS exhibition will be held at Bangor grammar school Northern Ireland Date Saturday 23rd (10am-5pm) and Sunday 24th (noon-5pm) April 2022. Many layouts/display/traders attend - Full lists on NDMRS Facebook.
  13. steventrain


  14. London Festival of Railway Modelling is now cancelled - RMWEB
  15. I got copy of New Hornby Book of trains today. Hornby Irish Slainte express train set in 1976 Sold through Kilroy Brothers of Dublin ( included solo irish Hymek and MK2 coaches). Do any know information about Kilroy Brothers of Dublin sell hornby Irish stuffs to some Irish dealers?
  16. Good find Dave. Above was diecast bogie triang motor. Did R768 CIE hymek made plastic bogie with Ringfield (silver seal) motor in late 1977/eary 1978? here is the service sheet date 1978 showing R768. Maybe hornby List R768 CIE with new chassis with ringfield motor in 1978 but never production for Irish market?
  17. Hi, Can you put price on list? I send you PM. I will pass to some Marklin forum members in Ireland if nothing interesting.
  18. I still have one APT train set date 1980. Complete and Never used.
  19. Some images in link https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/5221-goods-wagons-in-the-fifties-and-a-uta-example/
  20. Yes the results are in yesterday. https://hornbymagazine.keypublishing.com/2019/10/12/hornby-magazine-model-railway-awards-winners/
  21. See page 725-729 in Railway Modeller September 2019. Layout look great with class 201 with MK3 orange livery and other class111, 071 etc.
  22. Came across the Club facebook.
  23. Hattons is no longer dealer of Bachmann branchline from August 2019. The preorder have all cancelled. Hattons stock new item date up July 2019 and still selling second hand items only. See RMWEB forum for detail.
  24. Big Boy back on track after display for 60 years.
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