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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Hi Guys for some reason I was unable to see these videos in the UK any help to see them would be welcome
  2. Hi Guys No pressure but is there a track plan for the site from the good old days, I am trying to think what it was like back then.
  3. Wow looking so good. Can't wait to see the trackbed in front of the signal cabin laid out as it should be, you are doing great work.
  4. The starfighter is a fantastic jet, my first encounter with this plane was as the result of a number of them falling out of the sky's over Germany they got the nickname widow maker, but my understanding was this was due to the changes that the modern Luftwaffe wanted from the plane design at the time.
  5. Thanks guys Colin
  6. Hi Guys I am in the process of building some freelanced OOn3 bogies coaches. So the question is where can I buy the right shade of green for CIE era green? I am mot sure what the shade of green as was used on the old Cork, Blackrock and Passage coaching stock so any suggestions will be welcome. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  7. I guess the trouble is that a lot of it is taken up by what rolling stock you have on site
  8. You guys are doing a fine job can't wait to hear when you start to run the railway. Out of interest just how long is the standard gauge track now?
  9. Hi John thanks for putting this up on here, over on the narrow gauge modelling forum we have discussed this and other 00n3 layouts in some depth, I think there is a generational thing going on here as it appears that certain layouts have had an influance over many of us in the past. As for me I think my love of big narrow guage steam locos is the key, the first book I got out of my local public library was Dr Pattersons book on the Swilly Railway and that has been my draw ever since, that said of course who could resist the big red locos of its neighbour on the Donegal? I often dream of what may have happen if the Donegal and the Swilly had been taken over and merged into one big railway operation, there was of course a plan to do just that, but sadly nothing came of it. It is however very interesting to find that even up to the 1920's and 1930's there were still proposals being made to expand both the Donegal and the Swilly Railways in all directions.
  10. Hi Patrick taking on an NCC 3ft gauge S class is a major challenge in my book. A lot of people take one look at them and then give up, one day I will try it myself, but until then I have a load of other 00n3 locos and rolling stock to build, plus a layout as well at some point. They are a lovely locos and it is a pity that a basic etch has not been done for them, As I am sure they would be popular in all three versions:- ie as build: as modified with a rear coal bunker and finally as the monster 2-4-4 S2 version. Regards Colin
  11. If this was done in OOn3 the biggest challenge would be to manufacture a working chassis for the locos. That said I am investigating an 4wheeled chassis for the wagonmaster kit https://paxton-road.blogspot.com/2019/07/commission-hunslet-wagonmaster.html Also an 009 version of the turf wagon https://www.chiversfinelines.co.uk/shop/p/rc815-009-bogie-steel-peat-wagon-kit
  12. Hi JHB, I can tell you that any records from the Bristol W&C were lost during the war due to a fire in the archive building, which is very sad. The only source we have come across, so far, is if the railway concerned had asked for drawings or after the railway closed the local council run heritage centre was given them to archive. The same also goes for the Cork and Muskerry Rolling stock, again not much information is still about that line as well. Colin
  13. Thanks Guys the photo above was not what i was expecting, does anyone know if there was a van compartment in the 27ft coaches that was also matchboarded finished?
  14. Hi All Following on from my Cork Blackrock and Passage thread, I am also trying to find any photos and or extra details about the original 27ft coaches, mainly the brake 3rds, I am told there are no early photos available, but I do find that hard to believe with all the different photographers that visited the line back then.
  15. Thanks Westcorkrailways, I will follow all this up.
  16. Thanks Jhb, I have the book in question, but do not have the details of what some of the coaches looked like. I have a number of Worsley work etches which I hope to convert in to soem of the other types.
  17. Hi Guys. I am just asking since if anyone was to know I am sure you will. I am looking for any photos but more so any rolling stock plans from the CB&PR mainly the carriages but I would be interested in the goods stock as well. Thanks in advance for any help provided. Colin
  18. Bachmann Murphy Models OO MM0187 Irish Class 181 IE Orange No. 187 - DCC Fitted https://www.ebay.es/itm/175778414718 No bids for it and less than 8 mins to go
  19. As much as I like them it could be hard to justify having anything built after 1960 which isn't Dark Grey or Green.
  20. Books like this will given time drop in price, but that said expensive books well how about this I have all three books on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, each when new £60-70 pounds on a recent railway auction site each one went for over £200 pound each. I didn't buy mine as an investment, but for me to learn more about that railway and they have been read once and referred to many times but they still look like new, All I can say it just make sure to know what you are going to do with your own book collection when you are not here to appricate it
  21. Hi Guys, I am sure some of you have seen this already but just out of interest but what would a Murphys models snack car be worth on E bay eBay item number:225619196646 As much as I would like it I don't have the cash to buy it so heads up to this community, he also has a couple of other Irish coaches as well for sale, so if you are interested check it out Colin Rainsbury
  22. You could always enter into a biding war with him, not that I would suggest such a thing of course.
  23. I have that issue all the time from outside of the UK I don't know if it has something to do with the different euro zones and I guess as the UK is no longer part of them, may be some one has cut the link. I currently have eBay accounts in the UK, Europe, USA, South Africa and Australia.
  24. Hi Andy did you carry out any modification to the coach kits?
  25. The last CDR class 5 kit unbuilt went for very silly money £2,000 I think it was two bidders on e bay. I stopped after it had got to £200.00 pounds but those two silly Bu**ers kept putting bids of £50 pounds on after each other until it ended. On average, as built I would suggest about £200. to start with, if it runs. If it is a non runner, then I would suggest you start at about £100.00 since they are a pain to take apart and to replace the motor and gearbox once they are built. These older kits do far better if they are not built and still in the green box, built ones for some reason don't always go for the expected value put on them by the seller. I have just updated this post since I have asked a retired professional model maker and he think he changed about £350.00 to build and paint one of these a few years ago so I would guess that if you charged say £10.00 per hour for a weeks work today that would be a mimimum of £400.00 and for painting add another £100.00 plus more if they are a reconzied professional and you would be getting close to £750.00 But who has that sort of money this day and age, I don't. The hold up with these kits is that Nev has not so far been able to source replacement wheels since the original supplier is no longer in production. If you can't wait then I suggets you have a look at Worsley works etches, yes you will need to provide your own wheels, gear box and motor plus a whole load of white metal or 3D print fittings, I can't recall who it is, but I think at one point someone suggested that they could provide all the casting as 3D prints, but I have not heard any more on that one. In order to complete the later CDR loco roster I just need 3 more class 5's, 1 more class 4 and 1 class 5A.
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