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CIE D301 - D305's

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Hi all,

I am going to be doing a shelf/compact layout based on a fictional irish shunting yard. I am completely new to layout building but had trains since i was 7 (late 30's now). 

I digress, i have always loved the British Class 08 shunter and was over the moon when i seen that similar loco's the class D (301 - 305) were in operation in ireland in the late 50' early 60's i believe ( correct me if im wrong). 

From a modelling perspective i have alot of years in conversion, painting and weathering from other hobby areas but what particular class 08 would be the best as a base with the aim to have dcc sound? Is the only noticeable difference the d class and the class 08 the storage boxes on the sides?

Thank you






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Hi John83

Yes the boxes are quite different, and so are the door panels n hand rails, the cab on D301 is a bit shorter ending just behind the door, the hand break sticks out the back with an enclosing box, front steps on D301 are different, no ladders on D301, it had water over flow pipes down the side and an open meshed vent on both sides.

D301 had outside crankweights and springs- some Class 08 models don't have this so look for one that does, again some Class 08 models have a slim front vent which D301's was quite deep....



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Back in 2015 (cant believe that) I setup a styrene D301, its on here somewhere but can't locate it- the plan was to do a test body in styrene and then body and chassis in brass when I set up my new CNC machine back then!

I did buy wheels, cranks and other bits at the time- but alas it all went in a box until I mastered the CNC thing and it got forgotten. This thread and Kirley's posts on facebook recently, has me thinking about it again......

This is a link to an article which may be helpful @john83;- 

http://newirishlines.org/archive-2/ its Issue 5 on the page list

and here are a few photos of the test styrene body being set up;-




I can now, when time permits, do it!!



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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 6:12 PM, Railer said:

Well before my time but ever since I learned of the D class I always wanted to know more about them. Very little info about on them but looks like they led very limited lives, a far cry from their UK cousins. 

They led extremely limited lives! Crews who worked them reported them to be exceptionally uncomfortable to work in, with a very cramped cab, things you'd be knocking your knees or elbows against, no heating, poor brakes and poor visibility. A shunter's nightmare.

Their range was basically Heuston to North Wall, and shunting Inchicore and Heuston yards. On a layout, they'd be best suited to a model of either, or perhaps shunting an imaginary industrial site like the North City Mills sidings or something like it.

Any time I saw them, they were awaiting attention of some sort, or out of use, at Inchicore.

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