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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Mad, Good choice, I See the white outline too now in that picture, Never seen that before!. Probably will be a Blue job with the Chevrons. made a good few of those kits .
  2. Nice, Never noticed the white outline chevrons before. MIR never had them on their decals, the ones I did anyhow. Looks really smart. Just what to choose is the problem.
  3. Georgeconna


    New or 2nd hand? As Bos says, Check the wheels, track and pick ups if you can see them for dirt and maybe use a bit of wihte spirits and a cotton bud to clean them up. Maybe stick a vid up here too. Nice loco BTW to have.
  4. I know you lads have it earlier that us but thats hit well early!! Lovely loco Jack, Some nice bargains popping up HO wise I have noticed as well. I do find it strange the some of the valve gear on the continental models is plastic. The UK stuff seems to be all metal. I came across a vid about the red painted frames and wheels on you tube and it was the ideal colour to detect cracks apparently and not for Atheistic reasons!
  5. Bit of a play at lunchtime to make sure all is in order after some bsllasting. Also realised the diesel has 29 functions. I had only set up 5!! 20241213_141247.mp4
  6. Tipping away on the scenery. Using some foam Iinsulatipn boards and plaster bandages that I got from Cork Art Supplies Web page. Good price too. Ballasting has Been moving along too but taking ages to dry. Need to think about the OHLE now and the tunnels as I need to work out the madt spacings and sum form of guide to bring the pantos down to the right height when leaving the fiddle yard. I dint fancy having OHLE in the fiddle yard. The final large building, a hostel is in progress also. Keeping it to less is more thinking.
  7. Nice one, I get out of bed so!
  8. Off for the week and a sunny day so wood cutting was the order of the day in between entertaining the mutt. Land scaping next.
  9. Had the last week off but got zero done due to a near fatal dose of Man flu but before that took over I laid the platforms down using air dry clay and a bit of pollyfilla. Small bit of ballasting too which I thought looked crap but look fine now when the pollyfilla was laid up next to it. Couple of test runs through those are OK but I will need to reduce the height a tad. 20241118_202453.mp4 20241118_201232.mp4
  10. Bit or track weathering over the weekend..
  11. Wow just pops outa nowwhere!! Class stuff. Few vids next
  12. Interesting thing came up last night. Bro in law came in a snipped off a bit of the throw arm as it was catching the bogies. Afterwards when I switched the point it shorted. Strange as it was running fine previously. Turned out the point motor was not really set right and the blades were not in the middle of the point when installed. As a result it did not have time to clear the stock rail before the polarity changed causing a short. Certainly a head scratching moment Anyhow re aligned the motor and it now works fine. OO gauge is a lot more forgiving as more space to play with! Just for anyone that might come across the same problem.
  13. Completed the track now snd all point motored up. Next is track weathering. 20241030_201356.mp4
  14. If I known you were building this big I would of bought shares in Peco and Gaugemaster!
  15. nice interview too on the Donegal Dad Channel.
  16. sold now anyhow. HTH they got into that condition is beyond me.
  17. That is impressive set up. Some work to get all those points up and running!
  18. 1st fiddle yard loop done. Entrance points are Roco ones and are lightly sprung and a train can easily push the blades when ran against them so no need for point motors there. Wasted a bit of time when I put the power wires into the wrong holes in the cobalt. Trying to diagnose the issue was puzzling for a while. Dann eyesight! Little vid of double departure. 20241030_001943.mp4
  19. next time dude. Layout looked great.
  20. you were a busy man most of the time passed by! Very popular Layout!
  21. Cleaned off the board. Need to replace the Y point to the Engine shed site as it is giving jip. The scenic part is almost done. Spray the track next. I ordered an OBB Ohle Mast but me thinks it's more suited to the Ho locos rather than the smaller NG stuff. 20241029_000709.mp4 20241029_000630.mp4 20241029_000553.mp4 20241029_000013.mp4 20241028_235927.mp4
  22. Spotted JHB Saturday AM for a fleeting minute then you were not seen again!! West side of the Station area is completed. Cobalt Digital running the ops and switching. Using Z21 for DCC control. Ran a test train and the a sample of what hopefully will be running once the layout is done. 20241028_142804.mp4 20241028_141112.mp4
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