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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. With the A class arriving a such a lovely runner I dug out a few cravens and though I had made a Gen Van but nope the kit sitting there waiting so I started on that. Simple enough, Resin is nicely cast. RAL 201 I also got 056 earlier this week and the A4 sheet was taken out an laid across the curved section leading to the fiddle yard, Well blow me down the A went right across the paper, Derailed and nearly came to grief with a pending drop of doom to the floor so beware of the loco runs for a couple of secs even after power has gone.
  2. popped up on an image search, Changed it there.
  3. and Bourton on the water has a model shop too Bourton Model Railway and Zoo for the kids. Absolutely lovely place to visit if you are around the Cotswolds. Well worth a visit. BTW the Durty 0-4-0 looks lovely! what a transformation
  4. No hassle I mailed them anyhow to adjust their stock! Got some other books to the other day, Perfect stuff!
  5. Thats That Them! Cheers I varnished over the Weed Spray markings to make sure they said put and they did. I'll have to think about what I can do now as I mostly use Enamels. Curious to know why the Baccy and Hornby stuff survive White spirts and IRM don't though. Obviously different pigments but why the need to do that? if you get any ol broken A class shells bang one down so I can practice on !
  6. Emails are Free, Ringing the Uk ain't. He should be replying as the lads said. eplying in all fairness.
  7. Question for the IRM Boffins. One of the lads was weathering a Brake some time back and the printed letters came away with White spirit. Are the A classes using the exact same printing process, just want to be sure if I weather one that the print does not come off. MTIA. G
  8. Quite. Less said the better.
  9. Top Bombing! arrived today, 056 was intercepted by the wife. I said it was for some dudes weathering so got out of jail. Had a peek a Lunch time, Certainly the pictures don't do this one justice. Perfectly finished, Came packaged to survive a nuclear bomb too. nice one to add to the stable 1 left now!
  10. Yeah Not pleased with the prices, West Country popping out a £226 RRP. FFS like. They were £134 last year. Nuts. Not happy with the Rapido Gazumping TBH. I would go with the Rapido product as the stuff I have from them, the APT-E and Single are lovely. I have enough UK stuff but if I wanted to pay continental-ish prices I would of went in that direction. I know cost have risen but Wages certainly have no increased the same way these yoke have gone up in price and you do have to question if it worth it. The Hole hobby thing is gotten way out hand, Airfix had announcement today, STG72 for a 1/48 Buccaneer, As much as I would love one nah, Not value for money anymore. Thing is now buying big H stuff is gone for me so spending will be nothing now, Same for Baccy to Pricey and the cash will go to a Sea kayak instead so I am happy still
  11. I use Antex Irons, They are a nice Adjustable temp jobbie, Seem to be very good. Solder (dccconcepts.com)
  12. Pinched an 056 the the other day. Should see it tomorrow. Running a A with a couple of Craven for the last few days, Certainly a lovely runner! The 201 is on Mk.2's for now!
  13. Got mine today, Not sent in a Jiffy bag and came in wet damaged unfortunately Also got the Steaming Sixties. must of misread that title as there only trains in it It does tend to rain from time to time in Good ol Ireland. (wait for DJ to step in with what is rain question ) If the RPSI lads are on this forum maybe invest in some weather proof packaging. Edit: Thought I did not recognise the book, I ordered the Steam in the 1960s End of an Era but got The Steaming Sixties No.11 Should of been this one!! ah Well something a bit different!
  14. No sprung buffers on those coaches despite the price tag., the spring set up is bit too bouncy on the kenitic couplings! Wonder could you get Baccy Springs and replace then.
  15. Well this one is really a Hybrid GR.1 as the rear Navs cockpit is the same as the Italria GR.1 kit. they just changed the front moulds. No one has pointed that out to me yet on inspecting the previous ones so I ain't bothered forking out for resin replacements
  16. Hi folks, Happy new year. Though I just dumped stuff into one thread from here. Was shopping in Aldi and spotted a lone Hurricane from Airfix on the shelf so I felt sorry for it and took it away and started to crack into it. Was enjoying it so much decided to pop my P-51 cherry and pulled that out too plus whilst up in the loft sticking some rubbish up I spotted a Tornado F.3 that I brough back down so all three are on the go. Hurri is nearly done. The 51 is a lovely fitting kit and the Tornado well it not the best. I'll be doing that in flight on a stand.
  17. Beats my 160 pairs of Socks big time.....
  18. It was fully engaged at the start, Just demonstrates the movement of same. I'm not too bother, As Noel says Kaydees would be the bizz.Just need to save up for em.
  19. How do you think I get the cash for all the Stuff
  20. I use contact adhesive or Bostik type goo.
  21. Here is some Video, Failed getting into the Oscars so sorry bout the quality, Need more lighting in the cabin. 1st on of a A with Weedy Trains The 2nd one if MK.2 and a mystery uncoupling!! again sorry about the quality, The missus had the only fans set up at the time so had to make do with a manual yoke.
  22. Well pleased to say lots of shunting about here and there and while the camera was rolling not an item of stock fell off the rails!!. Typical, Anyhow here are some shots of the A Class and 201 Coupling under the 42ft ones plus the couplings not centering. You can see I have some silicon grease is added to the 42's to help this but no luck. I can't figure out why the couplings are not going back to the center.
  23. Dam did not know they had it, Ordered a Woolwich Ferry Book off them well before xmas still waiting could of bundled it it there.
  24. Just Vat Spud, Printed stuff is Zero % Use this site, Click advanced search and type in books. : TARIC Consultation (europa.eu)
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